Monday, June 19, 2006

I was excited one day, and down again the next. How fast the excitement died down. How fast my emotions can change.

Everyone wants success, but not everyone is prepared to pay the price for success.

Gah, my sisters hate me...I should stop irritating them...

Friday, June 16, 2006

by Mary Sullivan - used with her expressed permission.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as if as soon as one problem was solved a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen.

The mother filled three pots with water.

In the first, she placed carrots.
In the second she placed eggs.
And the last she placed ground coffee beans.

She let them sit and boil without saying a word. About twenty minutes later, she turned off the burners.

She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she said, "Tell me what you see."

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. (You known the tone of voice.)

She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did, and noted that they felt soft.

She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg inside.

Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.

The daughter then asked, "So, what's the point, mother?" (Remember the tone of voice.)

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid center. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its insides had become hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water...they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your
door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot , an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt
and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat?

Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial
hardship, or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my outer shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water - the very circumstances that bring the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor of the bean. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you instead of letting it change you.

When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level?

How do you handle Adversity?


Thursday, November 24, 2005

How do people shop for so long? I'm so not cut out for shopping I am...from Orchard, Bugis, then to East Coast Beach with Bell...

Oh then on our way to Parkway, guess who we saw? Derek! (Who was on his way to soccer at the beach...hehe.) We asked him to take a picture with us and he refused! Big surprise there. But then that's what makes him so cute.

Anyway, I'm seeing this repeat of history from exactly two years ago, where my blog is pimpled with depressing words and friends start to fill up my guestbook with sweet words of encouragement...

Well I don't deserve to enjoy myself after being so lazy...I'm a smart girl and could have done much better in my As...

But then its over. Just like that.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

‘I’m bored,’ said Sirius. ‘wish it was full moon.’

‘You might,’ said Lupin darkly from behind his book. ‘We’ve still got Transfiguration, if you’re bored you could test me. Here…’ and he held out his book.

But Sirius snorted. ‘I don’t need to look at that rubbish, I know it all.’

Alas, I'm not Sirius nor a super-genius like my other I shall have to, yap, study.

Oh how am I supposed to wait till the 28th to watch GoF???

And that Eric can be such an arsehole . Why does he even bother to ask me why I don't study with him? Which I did on Saturday...gah...I must learn to say no when someone ask me out, to study, to eat or to whatever...

Oh erm...I was just kidding about the slap ^_^

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hate. Cambridge. Dig. Hole. Bury. Me. you know...I have this communication problem...with my friends, my family, with everybody...I can't speak to anyone so I keep to myself and get depressed...

Maybe because one of my greatest fear is of embarrassing the things I do, the stuff I say...and I had been having nightmares about them too...

One nightmare in which I'm walking in this house where I see the faces of every person I know and all have them have grown to become a successful person and I'm still a nobody, just a disappointment, an embarrassment of this generation of my family...

Sigh...I'm swimming in this gloomy sea of depression and hopelessness which I don't know when I'm getting out of...I'm so bloody pathetic somebody please slap me.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Some quotes from the class which give me a smile:

"Listen attention!"
~Joanne who fused 'listen to the teacher' & 'pay attention' together

"No wonder I got it correct!"
~Maths class when Ms Lam told us one of the answers to the tutorial is wrong

"Cher, I got one question for you: Huh?"

~Asyraf, Maths class, after Ms Lam read a particularly long question, with the reply of a very quiet class

"I'm trying to concentrate too!"
~Adam, GP class, when everyone's quietly doing comprehension & he suddenly read out a sentence from the passage & Ms Wee told him that the class is trying to concentrate

"Cher, each person has two hands!"
~Maths class, when doing a probability question involving the number of ways to shake hands with 8 people.

"Ask the wall, ask the wall!"
~Maths class, when Ms Lam asked Baba a question & he pointed beside him to Shafiq & said, "Ask Shafiq, ask Shafiq!" & Shafiq pointed beside him to Asyraf & said, "Ask Asyraf, ask Asyraf!" & Asyraf pointed beside him to the wall & said, "Ask the wall, ask the wall!"


And some quotes I'll re-post because it's cute:

"What's manuscript?" ~Shafiq
"It means Manchester United script." ~Adam
(GP lesson)

"I'm going to take off my shoe and throw it at this guy..."
~Shafiq, about Dexter.

"You know, Osama shouldn't kill all those people in the two towers...he should kill this guy instead."
~Shafiq, about Dexter.

"If those people had died, that's it lah. I would seriously run away lah."
~Alvin, when ice-skating with some of my classmates & he made Bernice bump into a group of people.


And then there's today's Maths class when half-way through a question, all the guys whipped out their handphones and cameras asking Ms Lam to pose so they can take a picture of her, & Ms Lam just stood there covering her face with a paper & in exasperation, shouted, "Liling!" for no reason.

Sigh...I'm going to miss the class.


And these are the quotes from my rock climbing teachers to motivate myself:

"Concentrate on the process, don't think of the outcome." ~Ms Goh

"Keep going, you're reaching the finishing line!" ~Ms Lim

Friday, September 30, 2005

Bad results bad results bad results...when will I ever learn to discipline myself to study? I so totally don't deserve to watch Corpse Bride on Wednesday...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A friend sent me a picture, my fingers got itchy and I started twidling with the html in the template and VoilA! I made it all by myself, yes I did, my very first skin! GOsh, the stress...argh...the html was driving me nuts and I sat in front of the computer for 12 whole hours straight! Yes, exageration as always...but look at the end product and man the feeling is good! I now officially claim myself as the master of html! Who wants me to design their blogs for them raise your hands!

Ok, kidding, I'm only an amatuer...oh sigh...

Alrighty then, Kaimisuki has gone for a total makeover and I do hope someone comes along to see it...hehe...but will this gal continue blogging? We'll see...and I can't decide about the tagboard either...but I don't care...right now...all I my Zzzs...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Depression...gah...have anybody seen Eric lately? He's either in the school library studying or with Ms Lam asking about numerical methods or something like that...well, ya I'm exagerating...but can somebody please tell me how a slacker can all of a sudden be vEry motivated to study?

I myself am struggling trying to keep up...sigh...went to the beach to study with Bell who fell asleep in the cool wind...and I was looking at the horizon and did they figure out that the world is not flat?

Anyway, how just how am I suppose to study when kak bought maryam a 500-pieces jigsaw puzzle for her birthday on Wednesday! And it's still not complete yet. There's two kittens, a black one with orange stripes and a totally white one in a totally pink background of pink cotton wool and pink strings and pink everything! And ya, they just leave the kittens sitting right there in front of my TV, with sweet half-done heads and cute pink noses looking at me with adorable eyes as if begging me to fix them whole...

So that's what I've been doing these days. I also spend time sitting in front of the computer beside my sister, longing to play what she's playing (neopets duh)...Well, she's a billionaire already lah! In neopoints of course...

Other than that...I've been admiring my 5 beautiful sunflower plants I planted from seeds. The flowers will bloom straight after my As end, or so the words on the packet imply...end of As...-dreamy look-...oh, then there's Rainbow, my gorgeous fighting fish (named by my little sister) who accompanies me at night while I study...

Hah...right...I end up reading HP&HBP instead. Heh...I've re-read it once already. Aint Snape just so cool in there...(I'm very certain that Dumbledore forced him to do it in the end). But then...I re-read HP&PoA and realise what a jerk he is...

I really want to read Lymond but I have to admit the vocabulary is a bit intimidating, as cool as he can be...sigh...

I saw Sham's list of things to do after only thing I look forward to is HP&GoF and that Narnia Chronicles movie...sigh...end of As ---regret?humiliation?---

Oh, wow, another entree in this long-dead blog? Ok ok, I miss my Kaimisuki a lot alright. One long post as an update for my rg friends and then another long break before the next update...haha...

Mr Bombastick (go to animation and watch those episodes :))
The End of the World
Illama Song

But please remember to study because...if there's a will, there's a way. And if there's no will, there's nO way...

That's more a reminder for myself...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I do not whine about people not signing my guestbook. Don't sign lah, for all I care.

Anyway, I got in 3rd place...Am I good, or am I good?

Still got another competition this Saturday...that means Maybelle and I can study on Sunday...finally...

Gosh...Can you believe there's only 12 days of the holidays am I suppose to study huh? And I'm so bloody tired...I think my muscles are going to break apart soon...

And that's an uber cool animation there.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I know a lot of people read my blog but I got no time to update often because of the upcoming common tests...and those who are reading this should bloody well know that they should be offline studying so get off the computer right now!

But I'm still going out anyway...watched Creep last Thursday with a group of people and nice sweet Adam bought us all popcorn to share (though I took most of the popcorn but that doesn't matter much). And also I bought Yi Fang a $1.50 birthday present... compared to the balloons she gave me, I am so lousy at getting presents for people...Speaking of which I forgot somebody's birthday which falls on the 9th of April...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JW! I'll pop by your blog after...erm...soon...

Oh, and that Creep show was not a ghost story at all but a horror story with gory details about the Creep cutting and digging out a dead person's lungs and feeding it to the rats. I felt like puking lah especially with all that popcorn in my stomach... Yet I kind of cried during the show...the Creep just have this sad life and he didn't know or understand anything about us humans. But it was still a waste of money...gah...

Had heats today and I can't believe it's almost the last week of April already...and my freaking ankle still haven't heal yet. It hurt a little when I tried running before the race and tried to ignore it...the pain didn't come during the 100m sprint but after the sprint there was a sudden stabbing pain which makes me want to cut off my ankle and just get a new one... But I have to appreciate what I have...sighsighsigh... Anyway, I got into semi-finals but can I really go much further if I'm not running to the best of my ability? This sucks lah. I really miss those moments when I rush past the finishing line with people cheering for me...watching her cry after the 1x4m race made me feel like crying with disappointment that I can't run for my class this year...but I still have other events I haven't gone for so I shall contain my disappointment as yet.

I want Gundam Seed Destiny! I still haven't ordered HBP! And I want dark chocolate!

Oh, must remind myself to go for health screening with Ashley on 2nd May...


"So...did you put the cucumber into the donut yesterday?" ~Eric

Monday, April 04, 2005

5th place in the competition...not bad huh? I wish I could have done better though. There's still another 2 more competitions in June before I am done climbing for good, unless there's intra-college competition. Ah...another thing to look forward too...not. I still want to rest my ankle so that it's fully healed before I run for the Sport's Day heats, which is on the last week of April...Heal, ankle, heal!

Oh yeah, there was this question that was asked to one of our climbers before one of the competitions, "Do you believe in resting on the day before the competition or do you believe in sexual activities to arouse yourself?" ...or something like that lah... and the reply was, "No, no, I don't believe in such things. I sex daily."


You can just roll your eyes at him, you know...

Anyway, I've been wanting to read Queens Play but I've got no time! Sigh...but once I start, it's really hard to stop.

Why oh why must everyone be studying so hard these days? It's really irritating when I see slackers or should I say ex-slackers studying...

And there's still the month of July when HBP will be released. I can't wait...I haven't ordered yet though, so must do it soon...when I got time to go out...

You know, the day Ms Rukhaidah left us to go to Australia is quite sad...though I didn't feel it then, I suddenly feel it now...gosh, my reaction time is quite slow the part when she showed us the star in the apple...I told Ber I didn't cry then and she was like asking me why was I such a cold-hearted person...funny question really...

Ok, I've been online so long and yet I've not done what I intended to do...sigh...


"It's better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret."

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Love Lymond. I was reading Queen's Play during the holidays...only read halfway though. Damn touching...he's poisoned and still wanted to help the queen. Everyone's worried about him but himself...isn't he just the perfect person everyone including me fall for? And I want to continue reading but must start on my work already...sigh.

At least I wasn't the only one who slacked during the hols. Though I shouldn't be thinking of it that way...Term 2 did he get straight As huh???

I still got competition this Friday, which I shouldn't have joined because of my ankle...I don't feel like climbing much these days...'cause of Daniel and his stupid idea that we shouldn't bother training since we are not climbing for the national competition which is in September, and that time it'll be our Prelims. Why did they push the nationals so far back...stupid lah...we had been winning the comp for so many years ...not fair that TPJC can't enter and win again...though I don't really mind not entering...feeling so tired these days...people got trouble not falling asleep, and I got trouble waking up. Sigh...

Wish I can slack lah...we ended early today 'cause we have no more malay lessons since we got our results already, so the girls went out to eat but Renny tagged along to chase after who else but that girl everyone knows he likes...damn irritating...making silly lame jokes and talking crap, those kind of crap where I keep telling him to shut up and he just keep repeating "Huh?". And usually when I say shut up, the other person will say something else, but not he. He just keep repeating the same irritating word...I wanted to slap his face lah...seriously...but still it was fun when he was aiming at others, namely Liling...haha...I guess he's quite cute...

But now I'm home and I've got work to do...

And I want chocolate...


"Put 'eat chocolate' at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done."

Sunday, March 06, 2005

My ankle is still swollen and I'm still walking all over Singapore...when will my ankle ever heal...well, actually I just went to Suntec (Career Fair) then to Shafia's place (to get RG Malay Drama tickets) then to RG itself for the drama...quite an eventful Saturday... and on Friday I saw my crush and he talked to me! He was collecting his As results and he saw my bandaged ankle and he talked to me! Gosh, I miss talking to him...and he got straight As too...he must become my idol so I can aim for straight As...yeah!

Friday, February 25, 2005

I sprained my ankle when I fell from rock climbing, which swelled to a disgusting size only 6 hours later at 1am, went to the doctor then and he said it might be a fracture which scared the hell out of me, 'cause competitions are coming up, but alhamdulillah it wasn't, after the x-ray was done. But it hurts when I have to limp all the way to Tampines Mall the next day to catch Howl's Moving Castle (such a sweet show), being left behind by my friends once or twice, trying to catch up and feeling if I'm a burden to them...why do I have to sprain my ankle the day before the movie comes out?

And I really don't feel like doing any studying with an ankle like this. Eric was in the library handing out blank pieces of paper and telling people to prepare their time-table for A-levels and I happily told him I already made them. Of course, just because I already did my time-table doesn't mean I'm following it right? Man, this sucks...I hope I don't regret next year.

Oh, did you know that Constantine had a twin, but he strangled his twin with his umbilical cord when they were still in his mother's womb? Or so his dad told him...totally morbid...


"Her soul would go straight to Hell, where she'd be ripped into bloody chunks over and over in screaming brutal agony for all eternity." ~Constantine about Isabel

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I asked my sister what to do when you love a guy but the guy does not love you back, and my sis said, "Just believe that he's gay."
That got a laugh out of me.


You have to be egoistic, otherwise you'll kill yourself. -Ber

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Heh...see that colourful blinking banner at the side there saying "TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!"? See it? See the date up there at the top? See it? Hahaha...let's sing together! Happy birthday to me! Yeah...Oh it's such a b-e-a-utiful day!

And oh so beautiful Yifang gave me 18 small balloons as part of my birthday present, which I left all around the floor of my room yesterday. When I woke up this morning, I thought that my hamster was running around my room, but then realised they are just balloons...then later I went online to play games and felt something rub against my feet and again I thought it's my hamster, but again they are just the balloons...I miss my hamster so much...sigh...I can only find 15 of my balloons eh, and one of them is deflated...wonder where the other three went...

Hmm...I'm going airport Swensens, then go jalan-jalan with family later...might have some doa selamat also, since my extended family is going...quite excited but it's kind of weird going out with them...don't really feel like talking to them...why why why I do not know...should try to have fun anyway...

Hmph, tomorrow right...tomorrow my countdown banner will reset itself to 365 days...And then 365 days later, I'll be another year older, and another year of my life would have gone. You know, living a life is not easy at all...and yet time flies, we still experience things, good and bad, and then the future becomes the present, and that...that is life...funny huh? I just find it funny...oh well...rubbishity stuff...dumdeedum...and I shall try to write more in my blog this year...quite boring right...see my mood lah...dumdeedum...happy happy happy birthday to me...and Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year!

Darn I wish it's Christmas. Oh well. Xin nian kuai le and gong xi fa cai everyone!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Yeah! I got my first birthday present of the it!

Monday, January 17, 2005

I'm still letting my life rot, if this blog rots, it means I'm rotting...just in case anybody's wondering...though I doubt anybody is.

Going to school is totally different from home.

School there's friends, and I'm usually too busy with rock climbing to worry about anything else, since there's going to be one competition every month till June or July. So in school I'm either dreading rock climbing or too tired from rock climbing.

Then at home I fight with my conscience which keeps telling me to do tutorials. And it's always a miracle when I actually do it. You know, I had been failing everything in the 2nd semester last year, and managed to pull through for promos. And now, I still have no motivation to do my work, I hate doing my work and I totally despise tests and examinations. But stating that down doesn't help much does it?

That's why my life is rotting.


a little faith is all you need

Thursday, December 16, 2004

It's mid-december, I'm still playing neopets, Joanne is reminding me to do my work, and I'm still ignoring her. Yeah.


My pokemon cards bring the nerds to the yard
And they're like "You wanna trade cards?"
Damn right I wanna trade cards
You can have two but not my charizard

I know you want it,
the thing that makes them,
what the nerds go crazy for.
They lose their hp,
the way I attack,
I think its fireblast time

la la-la la la,
warm it up.
la la-la la la,
the nerds are waiting

I can see you want it,
you want me to teach the
techniques that freak these nerds,
it can be bought,
for a charizard,
watch if your smart,

Once you get in a battle,
everyone will look this way-so,
you must maintain your charmander,
same time maintain your wailord,
just get the perfect blend,
plus what you have within,
then next they're eyes are squint,
then they have picked up your sweet scent...

(Yeah, yeah, I know. I seriously need to grow up.)

Sunday, December 05, 2004

My hamster died the other day, and I didn't cry or even think about it then, but now I realise how quiet my late-night studying has been nowadays (that is, while I'm studying for my religious class exam). There's no more "Goo goo ga ga," or "Whoshe cute wittle hamshter?" or tickling of the hamster and watching her run around me as I sit on the floor with my book on my lap...

My sister ain't going to buy another hamster because it's too much work...there's too much work for me too, of course, but I'm still crushed...who can I turn to at night now (while I'm staying up studying till 4a.m.)? Who can I disturb anytime I want now? Sigh...I miss her so's to you, my furry little friend.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004's a dirty word...oh nevermind...I'll tell you when you reach Singapore, jw.

Anyway, I'm back from Genting. We went together with my aunt's husband's family for the first time...and I fell for my aunt's husband's brother...he's quite cute...and quite young too. Sigh...I have to stop falling for guys...I always do, and then I'll get so shy and quite...afraid of embarrassing myself...sigh...

My sister is getting so close to this guy and soon she might have a boyfriend and I just know that I'll be the last one to marry in this family man...

Why am I talking about this...when it's already first of December and I should start on my work...Can you believe it's first of December already?


"It's probably just Draco," Ron said, then clamped his mouth shut. What on earth had possessed him to speak?
"I know what Draco Malfoy looks like," said Mortenson, aggrieved. "I know because he came by the office today."
Voldemort looked almost interested. "Did he?" he asked.
"He did. And- he brought his girlfriend with her."
Rhysenn arched an eyebrow. "He has a girlfriend?"
I can't believe this, Ron thought. I've been kidnapped by the forces of evil, dragged hundreds of miles to a remote mountain fortress, I'm surrounded by demons and vampires, and everyone is still discussing bloody Draco Malfoy's bloody sex life. There is no justice.
~Draco Veritas

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Say "Cheese pie" 5 times out loud and very fast. Just keep repeating it and you'll get it. Damn lame actually...

And yeah! I'm going Genting again! Wow! I've gone there every year! I can't wait to go AGAIN! And I'll be there for 3 FUN.

I haven't even packed my's 7a.m. now and we're leaving at 9a.m. and I still haven't packed my bag...just keep procrastinating, Munirah, and next year will be hell for you.

Oh yar, Eli and Sham, I'm sure we can go out around Cristmas...oh what a busy life I live...not.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

This place is so stagnant I'm starting to breed mosquitoes again. I've been playing Neopets only so don't really have time for my you know how slow the Wheel of Monotony is spinning? Argh...So anyway, for the sake of updates...:

I'm going KL batu caves next week for 7 days with the rock climbing team to rock climb natural rocks. It's sure going to be fun. But of course, we need to train first so that we got the endurance to climb the routes there. But then we are leaving on Monday night, which is the second day of Hari Raya and I'm going to miss it! Oh what a thing to sacrifice just for rock want green packets...sobsobsob...

{Oh great...too many people speaking with me via msn...I'm so afraid they might ask me to go out with them...I really want to but there's no time!

That's the problem whenever I go online...I'll chitchat and chatchit until I can't finish updating my blog.

But I'll try harder this time.}

So...I got promoted yap. They moderated my Chemistry, increasing my mark by 10, so I failed Biology but passed Chem. I'm going to seriously study hard in December, man. If I don't I'll just die for As.

{And I was right! She did ask me to go out with sad I might have to refuse...and why do I have to ask about Promos? All of them did very well but me lah.}

But why bother about studies that now when it's still November? Hah...we had class outing last Monday and we went ice-skating! (I really miss the 202 righties ice-skating trips...) And I don't know why but the only prominent things I remember from that Monday were the falling down part and the getting wet part and the freezing part. Haha...but it was still fun...we had speed skating with Alvin who caused Bernice to knock into a group of people once and he said, "If those people had died, that's it lah. I would seriously run away lah." Then we had Renny falling over and over again but he's quite a fast learner since it was he's first time ice-skating. And we also had Joanne who kept complaining, "There's so many people!"...hehe...but's so sad that we have to go off once we got the hang of ice-skating...heh...

My class is so fun. There's this 'funny', 'weird' guy in my class, Dexter, who keeps doing weird things in class and is so irritating that he always gets comments like, "I'm going to take off my shoe and throw it at this guy..." and "You know, Osama shouldn't kill all those people in the two towers...he should kill this guy instead." Actually only Shafiq said that...he can be mean sometimes, but I bet Dexter is so blur he don't know what Shafiq is talking about...

We're going out again on Wednesday to see Alvin and also Bell off at the airport. It's so sad that Alvin has to go away to Australia. He's the only guy in class nice enough to make friends with Dexter. The other guys are all so childish they don't bother lah.

And oh I made it to become an OGL yeah! I don't really know what's so exciting about it but it's going to be fun still I bet. Gosh, I must really study hard and not get too busy that I fail all my tests on the first week of January next year. Time just keeps flying. I think if I can chose a supernatural power, I would chose to stop time. That would be so great.


‘Oh, stop quoting and give me something to shoot’
‘Suit yourself,’ sighed Foaly, selecting what looked like a finger from the rack.
‘What’s that?’
‘It’s a finger. What does it look like?’
‘A finger,’ admitted Root.
‘Yes, but not any ordinary finger.’ He glanced around to make sure that no one else was watching. ‘The tip contains a pressurized dart. One shot only. You tap the knuckle with your thumb and someone goes sleepy-bye.’
‘Why haven’t I seen this before?’
‘It’s a covert kinda thing…’
‘And?’ said Root suspiciously.
‘Well, there have been accidents…’
‘Tell me, Foaly.’
‘Our agents keep forgetting they have it on.’
‘Meaning they shoot themselves.’
Foaly nodded miserably. ‘One of our best sprites was picking his nose at the time. Three days on the critical list.’

~Artemis Fowl

Monday, October 25, 2004

Ok, fine, I don't hate it. I must look at things positively and learn from my mistakes. What does it matter if I don't follow my 2004 new year's resolutions, right?


‘Are we good to go?’ roared Root into his mike, as though it wasn’t whisper-sensitive.
‘No need to shout Commander. These headsets could pick up a spider scratching in Madagascar.’
‘And is there a spider scratching in Madagascar?’
‘Well…I don’t really know. They can’t really–’
‘Well, stop changing the subject, Foaly, and answer the question!’

~Artemis Fowl
i totatally hate this. i totally hate this. i totally hate this. i want to act confident. i am confident, i am. but am i really? i just do not want to think about it. lucky some people get to go overseas. don't need to study in jc. stupid stressful life. i hate this. complacent. depression. stupidity. regret. there such a word? y can't i just...just...just...shut off my mind somehow...sigh...forget it. i just totally hate this. it's my own fault anyway. if i got retained, then i deserve it. i deserve to get retained. deserve to be embarrassed when the new j1s come in. deserve to lose all the nice friends i made this year. deserve to die. should i post this or just throw it away? i shall

Monday, October 11, 2004

My exams only end on the coming Wednesday and here I am...and I even managed to finally read Artemis Fowl, which is an irony, since I've been avoiding that book since the beginning of the year because of my heavy workload. Anyway, that book is great! I can't wait to read the next one! It's so magical and so cool too...bad guys give me tingles all over...Hehe...Do you remember these quotes:

The dwarf swallowed dryly. Wasn’t it typical of the Dwarf Brotherhood? What do dwarfs hate? Fire. Who are the only creatures with the ability to conjure up fireballs? Goblins. So who did the dwarfs have to pick a fight with? What a real no-brainer.


[When Mulch, the dwarf, who was sneaking around in the house, was talking to Foaly, the centaur, who was in the watchtower.]
The hardware in Mulch’s eye flickered and sparked.
‘Sorry. Small charge.’
‘You could have warned me.’
‘I’ll give you a big kiss later, you baby. I thought dwarfs were tough.’
‘We are tough. I’ll show you just how tough when I get back.’
Root’s voice interrupted the posturing. ‘You won’t be showing anyone anything, convict, except perhaps where the toilet is in your cell.”

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dumdeedum...I'm feeling so very bored...I don't want to study...sigh...stupid PW...why must it be so troublesome...sigh...can't stand school...want to stay at home...but I can't stand home either...want to be in school...but some friendship problems...problems with stress...problems with imaginary boyfriends...then go back home...I got problem with wanting to sleep sleep and sleep...when I wake up, I'll get a headache...don't know I'll continue sleeping and sleeping and sleeping...I want to study...want to get 3 As...want to fullfill my parent's dreams...right...sigh...

Monday, October 04, 2004

Have anybody seen this site: ? It's damn funny lah...what it said about srjc is so true...and what it said about tpjc's short skirt is...also quite true...heh...oh man, my sis need to use the comp...sigh...exams suck.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Yeah! Upgraded my computer to Windows XP! And I can borrow the Lymond Chronicles from Shamiah after Pui Man! I really thought it was going to be a long list of people borrowing from her. Ah...there's so much to do after Promos is over...not to mention my Perdaus (religious class) exams...

But for now, I promise to start studying for my 'A's on 1st January 2005. That's what the book I'm a Genius and so are you says...studying starts from the very first moment you enter the school...or something like that. I always find these kind of books on the last few weeks before my exams, which is really inconvenient since none of these books give tips on last-minute studying. Sigh...I still fear that I might get retain...trying to accept the fact now...gosh life is totally great isn't it.


It’s definitely not convenient for a place like this to be so icy cold! A fireplace would be of advantage. But it could possibly turn out to be a problem if somebody called by Floo.

On the other hand…

*dirty smirk*

The looks on their faces…. might be entertaining.

~ Lucius at the Loo by Silver

Friday, September 03, 2004

Comparison of Acid Strenthgs
With metal: all (carboxylic acid, phenols, arenes, alcohols) react to produce hydrogen gas
With hydroxide: only carboxylic acid and phenols react to produce salt and water
With carbonate: only carboxylic acid reacts to produce carbon dioxide gas


' The classroom door banged open with a crash, and Harry Potter half-fell into the room. He was staring-eyed, and his robes were smeared with what looked like luminous yellow paint. He glared at Flitwick. "SO WHAT IF I'M LATE?" he bellowed. "WHAT RIGHT HAVE ANY OF YOU TO JUDGE ME?" ' -A Lot To Be Upset About

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I will never ever mess up my room ever again because I always have to spend the whole of Sunday (or any public holiday) to clean it up.
I will, from now on, leave things exactly the way I found them or even better.
I will also ensure I wash my dirty laundry every Saturday morning instead of throwing it all over my room.

And I'm feeling irritated, annoyed, angry and frustrated again...because everyone start studying already and I haven't...I know it's only one month away but I just can't do it...


Bill: [dying] How do I look?
The Bride: You look ready.

~Kill Bill II

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I think the aliens from Aliens VS Predators are quite cute. Sure they are disgusting and all but they are big and strong and have sharp teeth and acid blood...that's pretty cool too...I don't know...I just like their sharp teeth...and in a way that's cute...and they are just doing what their instincts tell them to do, which is to feed...although that involves killing...and it's not their fault if they accidentally come to earth from one of the earth's space ship (in Aliens) and start killing the human beings, 'cause in truth, humans are not angels, but are predators too, killing animals till they are extinct...I think we all deserve it if aliens come down and rip us apart right...

Oh and I see The Princess Diaries II movie is out! But it's not showing in Singapore it? I want to sounds really funny you how how...


"Hallo, mirror," he (Draco) purred. "How do I look?"
"You look fabulous," the mirror gushed. "There isn't a man, woman, or talking portrait in this castle who wouldn't get down on their knees and thank Merlin for the opportunity to lick chocolate sauce off your incomparable instep."
Okay, maybe it wasn't biased.
"And my hair?" Draco demanded.
"It is a glorious golden nimbus that frames your angelic face and moonlight eyes like a halo."
Draco squinted suspiciously. "You don't think I'm pointy?"
"Not at all. You're chiseled."
"Or pale?" Draco set his jaw. "Tell me the truth, I can take it."
"Well," the mirror hedged. "Maybe a little on the pasty side -"
'You lying piece of tin!" Draco shouted, seized his tortoiseshell hairbrush from the nearby nightstand, and hurled it at the mirror.

- A Lot To Be Upset About

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 guys are so sweet...thanks! The interview with Salman was kind of scraped off because it was kind of too late by then, but he already did the interview (email interview), although we can't use that interview. He said it's ok because he enjoyed doing the interview anyway...'enjoyed'...right...

Actually things are going quite well. My soccer team got in 4th in Soccer Open (Girls)! I got to watch Aliens VS Predators with Swee Ying and it's quite a cool show! I also got to enter a bithalon or something, organised by NIE, taking place on 5th September...I have to run 5km...which will be quite fun...I hope...

Yet there are still a couple of things I'm annoyed at. Like how people speak CHINESE RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE AND DURING DINNER AT THE SAME FREAKING TABLE. I thought telling them once would be enough, but I had to tell them twice, then thrice, and then I might as well record myself and play the same simple request over and over again. Where's the RESPECT?

And how in the world does Kevyn manage to become the top three for his promos last year, and also the top for Physics? I mean, he is one of the best in rock climbing, he has a girl friend, and he also has to be smart? He doesn't even look like a mugger...he looks quite attractive can such a perfect person what Marcus said: he probably never sleeps. He mugs in the morning, rock climb in the afternoon, then goes out with his girlfriend at night.

Is there a chance I can be like him? ........... i'm trying to be hopeful here.

And my computer is being irritating again...


A scene at GP class:
Shafiq: What's manuscript?
Adam: It means Manchester United script.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a penny
two a penny
Hot cross buns

(Background: One a penny! One a penny! One a penny!)

Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a penny
two a penny
Hot cross buns

(Background: Hot cross hot cross hot cross hot cross hot cross hot cross)

Friday, July 30, 2004

I feel like killing myself again. I know life is not all about studies and everything, but I can't help it if everyone around me is so smart while I'm so stupid. I hate this. I totally hate this. You are such a loser, Munirah.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Dumdeedum...I'm slacking again. Asyley already started studying for her promos...diediedie...and I want to watch the Moscow Circus...diediedie...and too many people know about my crush...diediedie...let's not mention him anymore, kay...


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I'm very sad because my parents were surprised that I didn't get 3 As for my CT. I'm also sad because my bio teacher told my mum during the meet the parents session that I'm very slow during my practical, so I should learn to cook in the kitchen so I'll keep to my timing. I'm also sad because I really want to go for the OCIP and also for the Rock Climbing trip but my parents have to spend a lot of money on that, thinking that I will repay them when I grow up to become rich and famous or something. I'm sad also because I got no local athlete (who had competed for Singapore before) to interview for my PW. I'm also sad because I have Bio SPA this Saturday. I'm also sad because some people do not reply to my smses. I'm also sad because I want to watch King Arthur, Garfield and Kill Bill 2 but I don't think I can. I'm also sad because my crush will not be in TPJC anymore by the end of the year...I'm going to miss him terribly...Wow, I didn't know I'm feeling THAT sad.

I'm only happy because there's Rock Climbing tomorrow and ('cause of the Racial Harmony Day celebrations) only TWO blocks of lessons! Yeah!


"You have to work hard to achieve your peek, only then will talent bring you that bit further and make the difference" by a friend

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I must never ever forget to cut my toe nails ever again. The climbing shoes are just too tight for my long toenails. The toenail of my middle toe of my left foot has been pealed off...well, half of it...and it looks ugly...

Orh, my results for CT: -
Maths - A
Chemistry - C
Biology - C
GP - C6
MT - B3

Aim for Promos: -
Maths - A
Chemistry - B
Biology - C
GP - C5
MT - A2

Actually I doubt I can ever get an A2 for my malay. And I'm afraid I can't maintain an A for my Maths...

Sigh...why's my class so smart? I really need to work harder. Though a relative of my friend said it's ok if we fail all our common tests because he failed everything too! And what did he get for his A-levels? 2 As and a B I think...sigh sigh sigh...
And Mrs Neo said one of our seniors who got 2 As and a C can't get a place in NUS at how?

By the way, I really want to go for the OCIP (Oversease CIP) at Thailand! Almost my whole class want to go but I can't. Actually I can but I'd rather go for the Rock Climbing trip at Thailand. It'll be such a cool experience...climbing those natural rocks...though the trip there will be expensive...10-day trip...with about ten bucks on food each day...

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:In a style so odd, it defies all laws of physics.
Clothes:Leather, belts, chains, bondage pants, collars, and tight shirts.
Special Features:Random tattoo(s)
Sidekick:Large dragon.
Attitude:Happy, bouncy, too hyper for it to be heathly.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Who's HBP??? Who? Who? Who? I sound like an owl...WHO????? is so irritating! Oh, yar, I died for my Chemistry...(Who is he? Who?) and I hope I get ok marks for Maths... (WHO??) and I so need to study Biology right now...Bi-O-lO-Gy. Argh! J.K. Rowling better write that book fast.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Curse me for being such an introvert. Everyone around me talking to everyone else but I was standing alone by myself with no one to talk to...and again miss my chance to...hai...nevermind...

He's gone, anyway, so I'm now going to stop thinking about him and really start concentrating on my studies. I really must be able to go to the Thailand trip at the end of the year. Mrs Lim will only let us go if we get 2A and 2AO passes. If I can't go, it'll be too embarrassing...

And I met Jaime again at City Link. It's really funny how we keep bumping into each other...


Listening to the news! Again? 'Well, it changes every day, you see,' said Harry. -- OotP

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Oh dear...there's a really great risk that that crush of mine will read my I'm going to delete that post soon...I just it's too nice to be deleted...don't you think? I don't know how I manage to express myself like that...dumdeedum...I'm nuts...By the way, did anybody know that Prong (no no not Prongs) is an American slang for the male sex organ? It says so in the Longman dictionary of contemporary words...if that's what the dictionary's called...I kinda forgot...


He had just made Harry feel rather better by telling him how he had told the examiner in detail about the ugly man with a wart on his nose in his crystal ball, only to look up and realize he had been describing his examiner's reflection. -- Ron, OotP

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I was at Orchard MRT station giving out survey forms for PW when I saw Jaime! Gosh, she is so tall and so...(ok, maybe it's just me who's short)...and so beautiful...she's wearing this black top with V-shaped collar and black pants too...going dinner with her family. Sigh...she is so cool and admirable, like always, walking that confident walk and smiling that great white hardworking, such great leadership qualities and nice and friendly gal...sigh, don't you just wish someone is talking about you like this?

Right, Munirah. That's why you're going to start studying hard to be as hardworking as her, right?



"And you won't look at any of us!"

"It's you lot who won't look at me!" said Harry angrily.

"Maybe you're taking it in turns to look, and keep missing each other," suggested Hermione, the corners of her mouth twitching.

"Very funny," snapped Harry


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

He’s so cute! So handsome…so quiet…so strong…so muscular…aahh…too bad he’s a J2…I’m always falling for J2s…except for this guy in my class…though I didn’t really fall for him…I just told Swee Ying he happened to have that ‘smart’ look and she started teasing me already…

Oh and I re-read PoA and boy how much time did you wasted… and it’s just unfair how Harry gets to spend only 2 years with Sirius…it’s so unfair…Munirah, he’s just a character in a book…stop thinking about him and wasting your time!

Time…how precious it is…even though I got kicked out in the qualifying rounds in Rock On Competition, I still haven’t manage to start studying properly…got kicked out…’cause it hurts so much to not be able to qualify…anyway…I don’t think I can finish studying by the end of the June holidays…die…

And I didn’t drop the Frisbee lor…why’d they say I drop the Frisbee? He smacked the Frisbee from my hands, making it drop, and then he picked it up…ugh that lousy little…haish…but it was fun…the farewell barbecue for the Rock Climbing J2s…and they can start studying for their As already…As, Munirah…As…Just reminding you…


ron: -awakes suddenly- 'the...the spiders want me to tapdance.. i don't...i don't wan't to tap dance, not with the spiders... the spiders... -continues babbling-
harry: you tell those spiders, ron.
ron: ah... i will... tell them... -collapses back to sleep-

Friday, June 04, 2004

HP3 is good! I wanna watch it again! Prob with my sis when she gets back from camp. And I can't type properly! My fingers all have flappers and blisters on them from rock climbing...competition is on Mon...nervous...but must relax...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Holidays...ya right.
I still have to do that GP essay and that Maths holiday assignment.
I must do the PW proposal form by Tuesday.
I must remind sweeying to bring the form to conduct interviews and surveys for tweety to sign...
And must remember there is PW meeting on thursday...
I should be writing all this in my diary...not here...why am I so lazy?

Anyway, just a couple of stuff I want to do during the holidays so I won't forget:
1. Start doing 100 push-ups every morning after I wake up, like Deborah and Mrs Neo (Mrs Neo does sit-ups
2. Study!
3. Study!
4. Study!

I mustn't slack, since my common tests are on the first week of July. Haish...I've really been slacking lor...messy room...messy file...messy everything...I must read up then read through my lecture notes before and after lectures Ahmad...and did I mention that Liling scares me? She's such a mugger...I feel stressed around her...and Bernice is starting to be like her too lor...actually a lot of people in my class are hard working...haish...I may be getting ok marks now although I'm slacking, but if this trend continues...I'm going to die...(ugh...this trend this trend this trend...stupid PW proposal form...)

I just remembered I must also make time to do those interview and survey for PW during the holidays...see what my group say first...

And I must start studying during the 3rd week of holidays...since i don't take part in the speed event for Rock On...1st week no time 'cause got make-up lectures (by the way, the teachers want us to hand up the GP essay by Friday, but they will never have time to return to us before the common test...what's just like the AQ questions...that Rukhaidah make us do so many but never return irritating...) then 2nd week got Rock On competition which I'm taking part in...must work damn hard for that...but I must also not forget PoA!!! Of course not...I still haven't decided who to watch it with...maybe i'll ask sweeying and mayble they

Anyway, today had been fun meeting the SR people again at Pumfest...sad that bonnie has little time to practise rock climbing though...'cause of PW...and it just had to rain just had to...

Well, you guys can try to make sense of what I just English is very very poor...I do the 1100 Words book also no this English with Adam and Elaine's...haish...I'm very sad...I scared I fail my GP leh...they still haven't return us our faculty test yet...haiyah...and how to get 2 A and 2 AO passes for my promos huh? How huh? if I'm really worried about all this...

Friday, May 21, 2004

To munirah: So I did stole your name. Whatcha gonna do about it, eh? ^_^

And so, we lost the 12x1m race 'cause of the guys who played soccer while we were running, and thus without their support, we lost the race.

Anyway, how am I going to study for Perdaus exam (my religious class) when I have so much Maths homework to do, huh???



Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I realised my blog is quite outdated. I will update it now...a short one...dum-dee-dum...Let's see...what's been happening lately...

Oh, our class qualified for 12x100m relay...let's hope we win this friday, which is sports day...yeah! But before sports day is chem faculty test day...which I might just fail...still haven't studied yet...argh...that's why I shouldn't be online right now...playing neopets...that silly Wheel of Monotony is still turning around and around and around...only Aliah would know what I'm talking about...hehe...she still plays many people in JC still plays neopets? Hahaha...just find it funny...she even fought in the recent war in neopets! Hahaha...ok, I'm going to watch Smallville now...bad should be doing your work...but what was I doing before this? Reading one of Dean Koontz's books...for two and a half hours...hai...naughty naughty Munirah...


Will Turner: This is either madness... or brilliance.
Jack Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.

Monday, April 19, 2004

If only I hadn't fall...damn it...I was totally focused lor...I was ready to run, ready to take the baton from elaine and ready to pass it to bernice, and ready to smile and see dashini running in to get 2nd place (since we got the silver baton)...but guess what? I fell...I want to blame it on elaine for telling me to slow down but then it's my fault for not being careful and predicting the worst that could happen...argh...

It's also my fault for not taking good care of myself last night...I should have drink more water, should have slept early, having done my work in the afternoon instead of slacking and doing it at night till 12a.m. If only...if only...then me and elaine and bernice and dash would be at the milo truck during sports day, drinking milo and waiting for our 4x100m relay to start...

None of that had happened...instead I'll be crying while I'm bathing 'cause of the pain of that bloody wound on my knee, and praying and hoping that it will heal by Wednesday so that I can do some rock climbing...which I doubt will happen...I can be such an idiot sometimes...not to mention me slacking in my school work...ugh...Munirah, when are you ever going to learn from your lessons?


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Clark is an idiot. If he wants to help his 'friend' so much then just tell Lex the truth about himself lah! And how could Lana say that to Clark??? So Lana doesn't truly love Clark after all...hmph. You don't deserve her, Clark! And I don't get Lex's he saying the truth? Sigh...such a sad case...I can't bear to lose another child said he...

Now Munirah, go do your work. Mrs Neo said that from the O-levels chem grades my class got, she predicts that we can only get a B or a C for our A-level the...sigh...better start working hard...


I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hold
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

~Hurt, Johnny Cash

Monday, April 05, 2004

Dumdeedum...wanted to go back to rgs with eli and liyana but got no time...sigh...been so tired lately...been piling things up...I know things are going to get worse...haish...but I had fun at rock climbing always...yet I still miss sr rocmoc...I seriously should have stayed at sr you know...especially with mr azahar and the exciting gp lectures where we get to watch teachers are quite good lah...miss it a mum's coughing again...she's always coughing...what's her problem huh? Keep telling us to eat those vitamins and whatever CNI stuff yet she herself don't want to look after herself...I haven't been looking after myself either...I'll like play the whole day then work the whole night without sleeping...hah...very unhealthy...heck...need to do my work now...(Munirah go do your work you lazy pig...time-management...)gosh...can you believe it's April already? Wah...I should start counting down to the A-levels...haha...I'm nuts...I'd rather count down to PoA...yeah! I can't wait!

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Third day was horrible. They cancelled the amazing race and replaced it with stage games...ooooh...ain't that fun? Not.

Heck care about TP. I went back to SR for the orientation finale and it was great. I saw quite a number of familiar faces in SR, went hugging all over the place, and even felt like crying...I miss SR so much...and the finalle was nice. It was one of the best moments in my life. The drum-playing guys were there again and they shook up the hall. What's more, the peer leader's dances were much better than TP's silly stage game dances...

under the sea...under the sea...down where it's better, down here is wetter, take in from me...

The temptation to come back to SR was great...had another headache deciding whether to appeal back or not. Finally, I think I'm going to stay at TP...because cheeyong started talking about small fishes and medium-sized I'm a medium fish in a small pond if I stay at SR, but when I go to a big pond, ie U, I'll realise I'm just a small fish...

Haha...ok, whatever...I'm staying at TP, and that's my final decision.


"I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best of advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite."
-G. K. Chesterton

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Ah...that was first day criticism...2nd day was not that bad...but not that good idea...the games were ok (not exciting! ) and the school cheer, which we just learned today, is quite different but damn long 'cause it's a repeating cheer, and that's why I prefer SR's cheer too......and I realised the dance is not that bad lah...though I didn't bother learning how the OGLs didn't bother teaching us the school song properly because they said that their OGLs didn't teach them properly I didn't bother learning the college song lor...and I doubt I'll ever learn it since I hardly heard anyone singing the college song during morning assembly. All I heard was the music being played, and the music had no lyrics either...

And now I'm missing SR's college song. (Lead us all to glory...)

However, despite all that, I'm still staying at TPJC. I can't just judge how good it is by staying there for 2 days right...

Anyway, there's Smallville tonight! It's the only show I look forward to each week...yeah!


Someone once told me the grass is much greener
On the other side
And I paid a visit (well, it's possible I missed it)
It seemed different, yet exactly the same (yeah, yeah, yeah)
'Til further notice, I'm in-between
From where I'm standing, my grass is green
Someone once told me the grass is much greener
On the other side.

~As told by Ginger

Monday, March 22, 2004

I might be appealing back into SR...I'll see what Abi and Lizhen say first...don't want to go appeal on my own...I miss SR...

TP's dance was dumb...the song and the dance does not go at all...don't they know how to pick proper songs? And the dance was...ah...I just think SR's dance is better. And there's hardly any spirit at all...I miss the three cheers for SR! Oo! Ah! Three cheers for SR! Oo! Ah! Three cheers for SR! Oo! Ah! And the Zeal, are you ready?! Abuden!

Oh, and I miss the raffles cheers too...I'll always miss them...the deep low voice...the spirit...the everything.


A penny saved is ridiculous.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I miss you guys...I miss you guys so badly...I want to go back to rg...I want to see you all again...why must it be this way? I want to go back in time...see you people again...and work harder too...but I can't...

Tampiness Junior College.

Compare that with Raffles Junior College.

You should have worked harder, Munirah.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

My youger sis, MJ, was sitting in front of the fish tank, with her hands inside it when she said, "Kak, come and look at the blood on my hands." I can't be bothered with her crap so I said, "WHat are you doing?" And she said, "Squeezing the baby fishes." Then I sreamed at her. Like, what's her problem? The thought is just too could she even joke about such a thing??

By the way, only 3 baby goldfishes managed to survive...and they're still so teeny tiny...cutie...

Oh yar, I was at Perdaus and I heard people talking about those in Sec 5 getting U grades, and they talked about it like it's a normal thing, as if it happens everyday. Imagine if people in rgs got a U grade. It's up to the 15th storey and jumping down without a second thought...ok, maybe not that bad, but you know what I mean.


"Those of you who think you know everything are very annoying to those of us who do."

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Who cares if I get into TJ?

Going to school and meeting my classmates were so fun I can't imagine meeting a whole new bunch of classmates next term. Though I'm still a little afraid I'll embarass myself in front of new people.

Why? Because people tend to assume your character by their first impression, like when M said E looks immature 'cause she laughs loudly, and E felt hurt and everything. But then...maybe this only happens in the top-5 schools where people are arrogant, and there are many cliques among them. Very unlike SR, where everyone's friendly and I don't alienate myself from certain people like I used to.

I'm lucky being in SR.


"I wanted to talk," he said.

"An admirable goal," Draco commiserated. "Now all you need is someone to talk to. Don't let me hinder your quest." He turned away.


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Damn it, I'll never get into TJ. What the hell was I thinking, putting it as my first choice??? I'll just end up in SR again, which is not that bad, actually pretty good. But then again, it is bad to end up in SR again...oh why oh why? I can be so stupid sometimes...

I hate this. I hate myself. But you know what? Since I can't kill myself, I have to find some other ways to deal with it. Damn.

DOn't even think that you can get into TJ, you good for nothing person you...


"There is no doubt that life is given to us, not to be enjoyed, but to be overcome- to be got over." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

Saturday, February 28, 2004

When I became the top student of my primary school four years ago, I was shocked, surprised and thought I was dreaming. It felt good hearing people congratulate me, so I decided that I'm going to work hard for my 'O' levels to get that top position again. Hah...look at me now.

Ya, sure I didn't score that badly, but it's not enough. It's just not enough. I don't get it...why is it that I can want something so so badly but I never bother working for it?

Getting B3 for Malay three times in a row...totally's like I didn't put in any effort to improve at all...all I did was wasted time sitting for that bloody freaking paper again and again...and what if the same thing happens for my SATS?

And another B3 for my Chemistry...Mrs Tan must be very disappointed with me.

You know, I can forever warn myself about my SATS or whatever but in the end, I'll still why do I even bother?


"Questioning the why's, wont's, and's, if's, or but's merely waste time. Whatever will happen, will happen."

Sunday, February 22, 2004

It's been an exciting week, way too long to write down all the exciting things that happen. I love my life. I just hope others love theirs too. I need to go offline soon.

Oh wait, people's been saying I look and sound fierce 'cause I don't smile much. Well, I don't smile when there's nothing to smile about. But I definitely have to tone down a bit the way I talk.


You know, I just can't decide if I should immediately run to the toilet after getting my results, or run straight cry lah, then?

Finally, before I go offline, I have to again remind myself to STOP SLACKING AND DO MY WORK! You're As are in two years time, so please concentrate on your work.

Oh, I also want to say that I feel really really sorry for this guy. He is just so pathetic. I hope that when I said all those things, I didn't make him feel awkward or anything. Actually he's quite cute being pathetic...but then again...ok, nevermind. I'll just forget about this episode.

Ok, now I'll go offline.


-Blonde joke. It's just a joke. Blondes are not stupid.-

A blonde went into a electronic store and she asked on of the staff how much a tv was. The staff said "sorry we dont sell to blondes." She went home and the next day she came back as a brunette. She asked one of the staff "how much is that tv?" He said "sorry we dont sell to blondes."
She went home. The next day, she came back as a red head and she asked one of the staff "how much is this tv? He said "sorry we dont sell to blondes." She said "I have come back here as a brunette and a red head, how did you know i was a blonde?" He said "I know because that is not a tv, that is a microwave."

Sunday, February 15, 2004

My malay karangan is better than those two's? Hah! She even said I should join Perbayu under publications...ya right...

...Chemistry test...I haven't studied I haven't studied I haven't a slacker...

What's more they said that for the chem results the names of the top ten and the worst ten will be put up on the notice board...or something like that...hopefully it's just a rumour...

And I'm running out of quotes again...


"The more you study the more you know. The more you know the more you'll forget. The more you forget the less you know. So why study?"

Friday, February 13, 2004

I need to stop being so "bloody proud". I have to start being modest. Actually I was just joking around lor...but some people just don't get the joke. Sigh...

Well, I totally slacked this week. I'm way behind since I haven't been reading up my lecture notes. I even fell asleep during lectures. was not fun at all, slacking for the whole week then staying up late on Thursday just to do that silly pidato, which is for some competition...Plus Hawa, Ahmad and I will have to repeat our pidato on Monday because she said today's one was just practice...sigh...

I'm going to stop playing around and start getting serious. I do want to get those As. Must not forget my this year's resolution which is to never ever study last minute ever again. Focus. I will forever focus on my 3 As on that A-level certificate. I will walk out the school gate on graduation day with a smile on my face. I am going to be proud of myself. I will show Salman and I will make him ask, "What happened?" when I get my A-level result because I will get 3 As while he won't...well, he'll probably get 4 As but who cares. I'll still show him.

...must she really have "studYING" as her nick??? Make me feel so guilty...

Oh, I met Jw online and she wasn't exhilarated to be in need to be more confident in yourself, you know. I get a little down many times too, but I always manage to move's difficult but that's life. Things will patient...I always let time do its job...

{Happy Valentine's Day / Friendship Week everybody!}


Every now and then
we find a special friend
who never lets us down,
who understands it all,
reaches out each time we fall.
You're the best that I have found!
I know that you can't stay,
but part of you will never fade away!
Youre heart will stay.

I'll make a wish for you and hope it will come true.
That life will be kind to such a gentle mind.
And if you lose your way, think back on yesterday, remember me this way!


Thursday, February 12, 2004

He's lowest grade for Maths is a B...a senior of mine...a B leh...can't believe he complained...well, maybe he was joking around but still...he's so guai! Gosh...

My lowest grade was like a what? D? E?

Well, I still got 28/30 for CMaths, but I was aiming for 30/30 lor...where could I have gone wrong? (they haven't returned us the papers yet)...I will kill myself for making such a careless mistake...the test was so simple kay...keep your ego down, Munirah.

And start studying for Chem!


The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. - Lucille S. Harper
Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody...I couldn't have had a better birthday :) Now all I have to do is wait another 364 days for my next birthday. Oh gosh, is it really three hundred and sixty-four days? I can't wait that long!

Haha...went to change my uniform with felisha from tks. She'll be wearing it tomorrow. I'm not wearing the tks one though, they say I look ugly in is so not my colour. Well, I think uniform changing is ok, but I find it very disturbing when Kiat Boon wears my school badge. Oh my poor poor badge had to suffer the horror of being on a guy like him...And it was in such a shock that it got stuck to his shirt and won't come off when Boon wants it to! I do hope you're feeling better now badgie. Even though he wore my badge together with like 8 other badges from other schools (reminding me of my red cross uniform with all those badges), you don't deserve to get stuck to him like poor little thing...ok Munirah, stop mentally stroking that badge and move on.

Heh, so...after changing uniform with her, we went for dinner at BK with the rocmoc people. It was ok, except the part when everybody was speaking in chinese and a senior was the one who noticed and told everyone to speak in English. Gosh, I feel so stupid as if I can't speak up for myself. Nice of him to notice though...whatever, it's just weird how I need to warm up first before I can speak to others fluently without hesitating. And I actually signed up to be OGL with the reason that I'm friendly and can help the people connect...hah, why do I crap about such things? And I've never had any great achievements in my life, except that I managed to enter rgs, and get stressed there lah...I hope they don't expect too much out of me because of me being from rg...

Well, from rg or not, we still have to do that pidato thing...I am so not in the mood for Malay now...and I want to go to sleep...

...Still wishing you don't have to go, jw...but I know you'll have fun there, so I shouldn't be wishing such things...


I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time. - Martha Stewart

Sunday, February 08, 2004

What do you mean you're sorry? You made it for me and that's enough to make me proud of this template. It's nice and simple. I ment pathetic in other sense. They update theirs more often and they don't use perfect English like me (which makes theirs a little more lively) and they have links here and there and things like that. I tend to restrict myself when I write in my blog...editing here and there...afraid of saying the wrong things and stuff. I guess I'll be changing the template but not anytime soon...maybe like next year...and thanks for that birthday wish!

Anyway, I can't wait for Spiderman2 to come out! I find his relationaship with MJ just so touching...I watched the cartoon just now. He actually gave up being Spiderman because he accidentally killed his friend, Indu I could he give up just like that?? But then everybody hates Spiderman because of that...especially PP's best friend Harry, who holds a grudge against Spiderman...sigh...

Ok, I'm going to play neopets now...don't remind me of that test...or that rocmoc pt session...both on my birthday...actually I can just skip that pt session...and miss out on all that exercise and pumpings? Nah..


"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Edit here, edit there, edit, edit everywhere...

Okay...seeing my friends' blog makes mine look so pathetic. Whatever, not in the mood for this...maybe one day I'll change the template or something. Need to sleep now, so tired, so bored, need to get to my dream world...


"My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me."
Been talking a lot about the O-level results. All my friends say I can get 6 points for sure. I wish. I better stop thinking that I will...then I would feel so crushed when I do get my results.

So yesterday I dreamt that I got my results already and I was running to the airport to give jiawen hers. Then I realised I got many A2s and I can't decide if I should stay at SR or not. You know, I'm starting to wish that I get 20 points for my Os, so that I do not need to make that decision on whether I should switch JC...

Rocmoc's the only thing that's making me feel like I should stay there. Ya, sure there are other JCs with rocmoc but the seniors will be different, the friends, the atmosphere...ok, I'll stop talking about this...I haven't even gotten my results yet...


"Anyone who uses the phrase "Like taking candy from a baby", has never tried taking candy from a baby."

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Eli wished me happy birthday! Haha...I can't help feeling so happy! But still...6 more days...6 more days for me, 7 more days for jw...this is so sad! I hate saying goodbye...

AND I'm not supposed to be that gp essay to do...yucks...

Haha, I like this quote...


Jack Sparrow: Me? I'm jus' honest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest... Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly (...) stupid.

Friday, January 30, 2004

I hate my life. Actually I don't. I just don't like it. Well, I do...sheesh, I had been so used to saying that I hate my life so whenever I get a little down I'll just say, "I hate my life." But I don't. I would never ever want my life to end...sigh...I'm this entry will not make should I start...that book that Shamiah gave made me think bad thoughts...not bad lah, just silly ''s not really the thoughts that you think I'm thinking about but it's another kind of thoughts which is really ridiculous...then again I'm only at page 70...oh whatever...tests are coming up...I don't know how I'm going to study for did I use to study for Bio huh? I forgot...that Chingay Parade being held this Saturday...I wish I had joined to become one of the would have been so much fun...only SRJCians are asked to be the motivators...I didn't join 'cause my friends didn't...I hate following my friends the end they'll just leave you, right?...blah...Andrew...people find him irritating, 'cause he is...he's cute lah, but he's always putting himself in the spotlight, which is quite irritating, but it's not bad entertainment either...but seriously, must he really go up that bouldering wall halfway, holding on to the wall with one hand and do pull ups there? And that time when we had to do chin-ups for one of our stations during station games, he helped us by doing half the number of chin-ups that we had to do so we don't have to do that many...but I think he was just showing off...not that it's not nice of him...oh well...I can keep on talking about this guy wednesday...I might not be able to go for rocmoc! We're having sports carnival, which is not compulsory though I think I should go to support my class...but I really want to go rock climbing! It's not fair! Why must all the activities take place on Wednesday, then I can't go for my CCA? Not fair! Sigh...hmm...I wish Eli or someone would go online and chat with me...I don't like to be alone...why Eli think she's irritating huh? If she thinks she's irritating, then won't I be irritated by her? Am I making sense? Nope...I'll just...clean up my room now...again...Munirah, please stop messing up your room...


A gurgle of laughter emerges from my mouth. "Do you ever look anything less than perfect, Geraldine?"

Geraldine flicks her hair back and says, "Believe me, I look a mess, " but she's please because, like all girls who are perfectly groomed, below the perfection is a writhing mass of insecurity, and she like to hear that she's beautiful. It helps to her believe it.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

I dreamt that Maria Ho actually came down during one of my lectures and scolded me for not paying attention. I got so angry that I wrote "I hate Maria Ho" all over my lecture notes and even broke my pencil in half...then later she asked me to see her after lesson and I remembered putting a pencil in my pocket so that I can break it later...

But the point is that I don't take Physics right now. Did the dream mean that the Cambridge people over at UK were marking my physics paper at that moment and I did so badly I got a D? Then why else would I suddenly dream about Physics? My results are going to be so bad, I just know it! Did I tell you...we were playing tarot cards during one of the free periods in school and my cards said that I'm facing destruction and might be facing it could mean my O-levels results! Or it could have passed when my female albino hamster, Snowy, died 'cause it means my hamsters can't breed anymore...But it's still so scary! Ok, I'm not supposed to believe in tarot cards...bad bad Munirah...better forget about them... are my results going to be? I don't think I can wait for another 2 whole dreams would go haywire by then! (If it's true reality and dreams connect in that way...) Why oh why? I think about this everytime I've got nothing to think about...maybe that's why I need school so forget about all this...but at least I've got something to look forward to...

Sunday better come quick.


Barbossa: Thank you, Jack.
Jack Sparrow: You're welcome.
Barbossa: Oh, not you. We named the monkey Jack.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Are you serious? He actually asked about me? HAHA! Well, of course he would. I did get the highest aggregate in his primary school...that reminds me...I haven't told Mrs Krishnan where I am yet...don't know when I'm going anyway, do dreams and reality really connect in some way...'cause I was wondering why I dreamt about him and maybe it was just a coincedence that he asked about me at that time...haha! But what did he mean by "What happened?"? What about him huh? I heard he got almost the same aggregate as me what!

Gosh, is it that embarrassing to be in SRJC? I love it there! Ok, maybe it it cannot produce many people with 4 distinctions (hopefully I won't be one of them) but I'm still considering to's that great! And I met cute people too...and even joined rocmoc! I wouldn't have joined it if I were in Victoria, then I wouldn't have met all those nice but chiobu seniors...a lot of things might not have happened...

Oh well. We were supposed to introduce another person during malay class and my friend who introduced me said that I am a very responsible and confident person...seorang yang sugguh tanggungjawab dan yakin dalam diri sendiri...hearing it in malay really made it sound so...woah! Gosh...I was like trying to deny it kay...hah...imagine me being confident in myself...

Well, I'm a weird person. I'll start getting sick of school soon...I hope not...

Anyway, I'm going to watch Princess Diaries this Sunday! We better's something I'm really looking forward to...other than meeting my RG friends of course...

But that question..."What happened?" Yes, Munirah, what happened? You've been avoiding that question since you got your Prelim results...the question people asked me and will continue asking...but then I do know what happened...just that everytime I think of it, I get this great feeling of terror that it will happen again...where will I go after I get my Os results? Even if I make it to the top 5, will it do me any good if I go there, or will I get the same fate as when I went RG? But if I don't, will I regret staying in SRJC and get not that many distinctions? The questions just keep coming...argh!


All the cruelty and torment of which the world is full is in fact merely the necessary result of the totality of the forms under which the will to live is objectified. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Yeah, I went bouldering today! It is a part of rocmoc where you climb low, inclined walls without ropes, but there's mattress below lah. Only 4 who wanted extra training's great! I just find rock climbing so fun! I kept thinking about it during tutorials...not really lah, but I did miss it. I just want to continue climbing! But then I need lots of rest after climbing because my arms will be totally exhausted.

Lalala...HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody! Have a great year of the monkey!


Will Turner: Where's Elizabeth?
Jack Sparrow: She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really... except for Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

I find this so funny. Or at least I found it funny when the ustaz said it:

4 cara untuk masuk syurga tanpa bersolat/berpuasa/etc: -
1. Makan rezeki yang tidak diberi oleh Allah.
2. Tinggal di planet yang tidak dimiliki Allah.
3. Pergi ke tempat yang tidak diketahui Allah.
4. Jadi orang gila.

Quite interesting really...hehe...

Anyway, both my arms are aching from yesterday. I can't bathe properly 'cause I can't reach behind my back. My arms hurt if I do.

Oh, a mistake in my post before: I actually haven't read DV10 and DV13. My younger sister have read DS13 already. I really want to read but I get attracted to neopets whenever I come online...

I've got to go and collect my new pair of spectacles later (it's red this time!), but I haven't finished my tutorials I might not pick it up today after all.


"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."
-Henny Youngman (1906-1998)
My primary school friend, Rena, actually saw my elder sister and her boyfriend holding hands! And my sister is totally denying it. Although last time, my aunts have seen them holding hands too. I can't believe her! My sister and her boyfriend must not see each other or they'll do stupid things for sure! Then again, I must not believe that my sister is that low...

Oh well, it's her problem.

Hmm...Eli sms me like everyday before and after school. It is so nice of her! We'll wish each other good morning then ask about the day at school and I find this kind of conversations very sweet...except that I have gone over the number of sms I'm supposed to have for one now each sms will cost 5 cents more...oh dear...


"Don't hate yourself in the morning. Sleep till noon."

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Today had been a great day! I didn't know I could make so many friends in one day! I had rocmoc (rock and mountain climbing I think) orientation today. The station games were tough because we had to do like 39 push ups / sit ups at each station. But actually...I kinda miss those trainings 'cause we used to do them in red cross.

Other than station games, we get to climb the rock wall! I managed to reach all the way to the top twice, but I didn't have enough strength to complete the inclined one, where the wall is horizontal...and all the grips there are not nice to hold, so we need lots of arm strength. I don't know how I'm going to survive for the trainings, which I heard they had to climb up and down the wall ten times...actually I'm not sure if I can manage to stay in rocmoc 'cause there'll be a trial where some will get kicked out 'cause there's just too many recruits this year.

My school work, though, is not doing too good. I'm falling behind already in my tutorials...almost half my class have done them but I haven't. I must I must be disciplined and do my work! I must not sleep when I reach home from school 'cause I can't wake up for sure.

Talking about sleep, I dreamt about Salman two days ago. We were supposed to be at this gathering in Malaysia and he came. But when he reached there he left almost immediately and I got angry that he did. Haha. Whatever...I just haven't dreamt about him for a long time and I don't know why he suddenly came into my dreams. Haha! younger sister though, seems to be feeling something for this guy called Shawn...oh well. I don't know much about that actually...hehe...

I better go do my tutorial now.

And I can't wait for the 31st!


"You know, Draco," Hermione said, looking wearily at the fair-haired boy in the infirmary bed, "sometimes you make it awfully difficult."

"To resist my manly charms? Yes, I know," said Draco


Sunday, January 11, 2004

Why do I keep changing my guestbook images? I always think the newest is nicer than the last...ok whatever.

Smallville is on now, on one of those Indonesian channels...sctv or something...

And my sis keeps saying she wants to use the computer...oh like I'd let her do that just so she can play pool with her bf...hahaha...I'm not unsupportive or anything, I'm just sick of hearing her mushy mushy words with her bf everytime they call each other.

The discipline teacher told us a story on how a boy in school was eating his noodles when suddenly an extra ingredient fell into it from the sky...bird poop. Nice. Then he mentioned how he wanted us to be disciplined and disnified people when we walk out the school gate on our graduation hello, only first 10 days and you already talk about graduation day?

Hehe...I joined many CCAs...Tarian, ODAC, Rock and Mountain Climbing, and Heritage Club...gonna quit some...haha

Ok, my sis will kill me.

Oh, don't you love rainbows? My little sister was talking about a rainbow she saw in school the other day...she was so excited...don't know why...haha...Asperger's Syndrom...??


"We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough?" -Niels Bohr (1885-1962)

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I'm assistant civics tutor rep, aka vice-chairperson of class, 'cause not many volunteered. I was so nervous when I was supposed to give that 30 second speech.

Why in the world did I just receive a hyper magazine from Ngee Ann Poly?

Oh well. Saturday least 3/4 of it...I don't know why I keep counting down like that.

Maybe 'cause my birthday is in 30 days time? Seriously, am I suffering from Asperger's Syndrome? I'm way overexcited about my birthday, and I have no idea why.

I'm kinda in a group of friends now, which Serene called G4. They are Serene, Danying and Yue Lian. Nice friends.

I like Serangoon JC a lot. I mean, it rocks! Firstly, the teachers are very caring and most of their speeches keep me awake in the hall...except for the principal's talk. And she knows her voice makes us go to sleep so she usually keep her talks short. Secondly, the students that come in are from a variety of schools, so the parade square is very colourful in the morning, and I doubt RJ and VJ is the same. Meridian aint very popular either. I heard the people there are unfriendly, and when my friend tried to appeal in, the teacher was like, "Did you know MJ's standard has risen up to 16 points?" I heard their principal is biased too. Although SRJC kinda accept the extras like us ('cause all those in my class had 20 points for L1R5), it's not that bad. I really feel like staying here. What's more we are now going through a little of the Sec 4 syllabus, so if I move to another school, it would be hard for me to catch up. I'm actually planning to move to Tampiness, but I have no idea how it's like there and I don't want to regret when I do move.

Why am I talking about this? There's still two more months to go.

I hate it when my mum sighs in front of me. I really didn't do anything. I mean, I didn't scream or shout at her, which is not easy. Whenever I feel like screaming, I'll lock myself in my room. So why must she sigh like that?

I wish I'm not so gloomy. I kinda get gloomy whenever I reach home...maybe because of my family? Though I'm not sure why. I like school. For now lah. Before the load of homework and the projects start. Friends are great. They make my day. And I can't wait to go over and watch Princess Diaries! I've got to go to my grandma's place now (father's side). We seldom go over there. I don't want to go there. But I have to. So I might as well make the best of it...though I better quickly eat dinner now so my mum won't shout again...actually she don't shout. She just speak in that demanding voice making me feel like a bad bad girl. Or maybe I'm just too sensitive.


"One out of every four Americans is suffering from some mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

Issit true? It's a joke, right?

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Stupid blogger doesn't work. Oh well. Shamiah said to post for myself, not for others, so I will, although I have another blog for that.

Anyway, I realised I sound very horrible on my last post. I should be glad that I actually manage to enter a JC. I'm still the smartest in my family, since my little sister wants to go poly. And who cares if they say "waaaah..." when I say I'm from RGS, 'cause at least it seems to be less stressing than RJ, since I actually leave school at 1 instead of 6. And I even don't need to see all those faces I hate so much...I get to make new friends! Sigh, I don't really hate them. I'm just uncomfartable with them as well as all those bad memories...oh well...

I've been listening to the ROTK soundtrack and I just love it! Buying my first soundtrack is so exciting! Well, it'll probably be my last one too, since my parents don't like me to spend my money like that...but maybe I'll get the seventh HP movie one...I hate saying goodbye...and everything end just like that...

Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All of your fears will pass away

Safe in my arms
You're only sleeping

What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come
To carry you home
~Into the West, ROTK soundtrack

Sigh...that reminds me. I really really want to watch the Princess Diaries movie...if I ever get the urge to go and rent it or something...and Munirah, will you please stop messing up your room so you don't have to clean it up? Thank you.

Oh, a reminder for me: Red Cross Talentime 2004 will be held at Ulu Pandan CC, which is near Holland Rd, and is this coming Sunday and next Sunday.


"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."

Saturday, January 03, 2004

1st day of school gone. Orientation was so boring that I'm looking forward to that slow dance we are going to learn on Monday. The principal was like saying that we should make our three months here the best, since she knew most of us didn't put SRJC as our first choice. I mean, duh. Who would want to go to Serangoon huh? It's my 5th choice for goodness sake! I so can't wait for the first three months to be over.

Boring principal talk, boring discipline head talk, who said discipline=care, boring ice-breakers, or should I say ice-breaker, since we only played one game? The only exciting thing? When aeroplanes fly past the building. I counted five I think. I didn't know the airport was so near, 'cause the aeroplanes were very noisy. At least it ended at 1p.m., and we were all somehow exhausted by then. Hmph. And the reason the principal said was that she didn't want us to go home tired, but happy. Oh, she also mentioned that she didn't want us to go home at one but to walk around the school and talk to the teachers or I have no one to 'walk around' with?

I didn't like have a partner 'cause we were sitting in two lines and somehow the girls end up at the front while the guys at the back. Every girl had a partner but me...why must they have an uneven number of girls?? So anyway, I sat with a guy, who didn't even make a conversation with me, so I just sat there quietly. What's more we were sitting for a whole half hour waiting and waiting, doing nothing at all. Sigh.

I did miss the rgs air-conditioned hall though. I'm not dependant on air-con, but it's still very sad...and noisy. Not because the JC2s were noisy but because the fans were. And I miss sitting at the front too 'cause since from sec 1 to 4 I have been sitting at the front...

There was also one cheer where they copied the raffles one. Ok, I think raffles copied too but still...the one which goes
north-south-east-west who's the best? R-A-F-F-L-E-S!
sounds nicer than
north-south-east-west who's the best? SRJC is the best!

But the orientation shirt was nice. And we got a metal waterbottle too, plus a file and a towel and a pen which does NOT WORK! Sigh...

Ya, there was one rgs girl but she's not in my OG. She was from 404, which I vaguely remembered hearing many from there got above 20 points. Oh well.

That's it for my 1st day. Thrilling, huh?


"It's not that I wish any harm to the guy, I'm just saying I could happily sit by while someone knocks his head off."