Sunday, April 21, 2013

Step 54: If you have a watch that bleeps on the hour, take this as a signal to stop what you’re doing and practise mindfulness just for one minute. If safe to do so, close your eyes and listen to the incessant chattering of the mind. Then resume your activities.

It's actually quite interesting to stop thinking and just listen to your mind.

Anyhoo, spring is here! :)

Spring season anime is just awesome every year. This year it's packed with demon warlords who work part time at MgRonalds and graphic animations of Titans eating people, and also 3 new mecha anime plus a cute squirrel. I'm gonna enjoy myself.

And 10 more days till I'm out of my current job and till I can cut off all connections with them cos I just can't take it any more. 10 more days. 10 days seem very short when I re-read that sentence. Oh well. I know it will pass by fast because 10 days later, I will be very thankful and very very happy.

I love spring.