Saturday, December 29, 2007

I had a bad dream. I dreamt that I died. I had a bad dream at 2am and now I'm too afraid to go back to sleep. And here I am online instead of doing some prayers to help me calm down. And worse I don't feel like talking about this dream so I don't want to talk to anyone at all right now. I hate myself. I think I know why I had that dream. But I still don't want to go back to sleep. Sigh.

What to blog about...Went fishing with my sister and her fiance's family at Punggol the other day. I love fishing...

Three of the Angling Club guys went Kelong again. I'm jealous.

Denzil has an msn display picture of himself holding a 1-metre-long Mekong Cat Fish which he caught in Thailand. I envy him.

Then the other day jw, sham, eunice and I went Labrador Park to enjoy nature. (Saw Kaijing who was coming back from sotonging at 11am and felt like fishing again.....but I didn't go there to fish. Sigh.) I love the clean blue waters at Labrador Park...and I love meeting up with my secondary school friends...we talked about going to Corsica next year! Hahaha...I must work hard and save enough money! If I manage to save enough then I'm definitely going! Hehehe...

And then I also went rock climbing with my cousins. I really love rock climbing...that great sense of achievement when I reach the top...I miss it...And the aching muscles when I wake up the next day...I miss that too...Haha...

And that stupid crush is still in my head. I don't like having crushes. If there's a Malay version of him I'd take him. No, cannot. I don't want to chase guys.

Haa...holidays till Wednesday...but must still study...sigh...and I'm still being my lazy self lah. I've wasted 4 think my new years resolution is to stop procrastinating on my work and also on my daily chores. Did I make this resolution last year? :P

And now I shall go clean up my room...I really don't want to sleep.

Oh and have a Happy Chocolaty 2008 everyone :)


Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces ~Judith Viorst

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Three days two nights out at the kelong near Sibu Malaysia...I must blog about it! Though there's a lot of things I should have blogged about but never bothered to. Haha. Man the sea is GreaT!

I just joined Angling Club and I'm really enjoying the people and the activities. I love the excitement of catching fishes! I love the people there. There's just too many things to talk about! And the feeling of using my first rod to catch fishes is great...I think I brought home around 5kg of fish haha...ahahah maybe not that much la. I love my Cherrywood rod and my Mitchell reel! Though I probably need to get other rods for bigger fishes. That second-hand orange reel line I got is very light and very bright orange hehe...I love to cast it and see it fly in the wind.

I tried to catch a todak but caught nothing instead...well bad luck I guess. I tried my sotong lure too but I didnt catch any sotong either. And I tried to catch a big seklar (sp?) with Humphrey's rod but I didn't catch one either. Gosh...why all the times I try to catch a fish different from the normal fishes, I fail one...haha. My friend caught many big seklar and she sold them haha. Though she sold them cheap it's still money right. I must try harder to get bigger fishes haha!

It's amazing, three days two nights of continuous fishing. I'm surprised my friend can tahan very long cos I took many breaks in between. Ooh and the freshly sliced seklar with wasabi is damn nice. Three days two nights and 9 meals...great food too hehe.

And I love the second night when my astronomer friend showed us all the stars in the beautiful sky which we can't see at home. I found the switch which switches off the stray lights, and then my friend took out this very strong laser which can point to the stars and it's very cool la. And I learned a lot about the sky too. I saw the tiny red planet Mars, and I saw the orion's belt and found his sword, and also saw the seven sisters, and saw gemini, and saw sirius and canapos and can also roughly make out the milky's just beautiful. My friends saw a shooting star but I missed it. Shooting stars are too fast for me...sigh. Wishing I can see it one day...hehe.

Let's see what else. I met Desmond the todak master and he's one of those hardcore fishermen heh...go kelong almost every weekend. It's very good if you're rich la. My friend say I can meet many kinds of people through fishing, even rich people and people doing business and with many lobang...well I met one who lives near rich can you be ah living there. Haha. He's a very nice guy though, helps out us newbies a lot, though he's not from my school. He helped me unhook the fish when I catch one. Haha.

It's funny I still scream like a girl when the fish suddenly jump at me. I seriously have to control my screaming. The people there are nice though. When my hook gets sangkut they would help me out although I don't know them. Oh and Humphrey is great la. Ask him for pliers and he walk around the kelong looking for it...and found his rod instead and just stood at the side and start fishing. And I was blur just looking at him cos he didn't give me any pliers. In the end he gave me some elses la. But where was his pliers ah...inside his box! Hah. Well I should get my own pliers soon. Hehe

I like being with nice people. There's one who sit there and watch his mp3 almost the whole trip...nice because he barbeques for us. He also helped us unhook the fishes and also put the bait...makes fishing easier, then I don't have to keep pausiing to put baits...

Haha the president of the club is so cute ok...little boy cute. And quite blur too...cannot ask him anything one, must ask Humphrey cos he knows more...funny ah...I love his cuteness haha...well for the whole trip must thank Humphrey for it...the organiser of the trip is very stress I can see that. Hah and I feel so stupid for leaving my white card in the van when at the customs cos he has to run back to get it for me...haiz...

Oh and Desmond's young nephew is very cute! He is so knowledgeable...and proud too. He loves to tell us everything he knows and give us advice hehe. He wears a life jacket the whole time he's there cos I think he can't swim...haha and I told my friend I wouldn't mind getting a fisherman husband and go kelong like every month just to fish! There's no cute fisherman though which is quite sad. Then my friend told me there's that cute Desmond's nephew and we can wait for him to grow up and maybe marry him hahaha...funny joke...

Anyway I still love the kelong life. Hahaha...on the trip I couldn't really sleep on the first night cos the waves were very noisy but I was too tired on the second night to care. Oh I really love the kelong trip cos it's different from other trips. I wake up in the morning and straight away think of fishing (even this morning when I'm already off the kelong). Before I sleep at night I also think of fishing. That's why I sleep very little there. There's a lot of things to do, which is fishing...haha I want to go there again! But after my exams or something...I didn't feel like coming back to singapore and continue going to school haha. I love the kelong life...


"You really look like your father...except for your eyes. You have Lily's eyes..."