Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm still receiving things that I don't deserve.

I haven't really been job-searching. I've been addicted to Flyff (a multiplayer online game) for the past month. Don't ask me how I got addicted. I just turn it on whenever I feel bored. The people there are nice.

Plus I don't think I deserve to pass FR or get a B for POA.

And I totally failed that Interview test about debit credit purchases cheques CPF & intangible assets...and I stammered cos I couldn't give 5 examples of current assets cos I was stressed.

And yet I got that internship.

Small CPA firm, but it's still a CPA firm right? But I know I must continue to learn from experience.

I didn't really want to blog but I'm still boggled that I got something to do at 9am tomorrow. And I guess I also want to thank Allah, so...Alhamdulillah.

And thus...the next phase of my life starts tomorrow. Yay :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sorry there's just nothing exciting to blog about. I seldom go out these days, not many interviews to go to, & I just want to run away. My days are ok la, Hari Raya visiting with my cousins are great as always, & anime (like the new season of Inuyasha) does make me's just this week is disappointing & demoralizing...But I'm gonna motivate myself! Somehow :)