Sunday, August 04, 2013

What is this. I haven't done much terawih this time. Been doing so much ot that time passed by way too fast. Didn't even make hari raya biscuits and kuih. And now suddenly it's Hari Raya already?! What is this! Ugh I need to control my work load and plan it properly...

Ahahah 40 more days wee~~~

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Okay, I think we kinda decided not to call or meet till 13 sep. Cos it's getting so HARD to resist. This is so depressing! I might just die! From too much excitement :)

Thursday, May 09, 2013

One and a half week in and I'm still not used to having no job...cos everybody is working! And I'm bored already... My day only starts at 10am now haha... I can't wait to start my new job on 27 and start the stress all over again... Ugh I still feel too sleepy to wake up... But I need to study... Spilled a cup of coffee on my bag and it still has the coffee smell...

What's up with this week's Bleach chapter... Totally reminds me of Snape's situation... How does it really feel to look at the child of the love of your life, the love whom you could never ever be with... Guess I'd never have to worry about that since I already have the love of my life with me... Can't wait for next week's chapter.

Okay I shall start doing that quiz on employment income and other practice questions...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Step 54: If you have a watch that bleeps on the hour, take this as a signal to stop what you’re doing and practise mindfulness just for one minute. If safe to do so, close your eyes and listen to the incessant chattering of the mind. Then resume your activities.

It's actually quite interesting to stop thinking and just listen to your mind.

Anyhoo, spring is here! :)

Spring season anime is just awesome every year. This year it's packed with demon warlords who work part time at MgRonalds and graphic animations of Titans eating people, and also 3 new mecha anime plus a cute squirrel. I'm gonna enjoy myself.

And 10 more days till I'm out of my current job and till I can cut off all connections with them cos I just can't take it any more. 10 more days. 10 days seem very short when I re-read that sentence. Oh well. I know it will pass by fast because 10 days later, I will be very thankful and very very happy.

I love spring.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Busy this week. It's my mums bday. Also meeting up with an old friend tomorrow who said she got me a birthday present I will like for sure so I'm wondering what in the world did she get me that she's so confident I will like as if she knows my deepest desires haha.

Then met my mak andam who have so MANY pretty and beautiful dresses and gowns and kebayas. 6 more months ^_^ Then I went fishing!!! Didn't get any fish but still had one of the best times of my life.

Still searching for a new job. Not really working hard on it cos I'm busy :( No time to do any revision. I'm so gonna fail my exams if I continue like this. Should make Thursdays n Fridays my revision times cos weekends seem to be too packed... I love my life :)))

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February is ending!!!!!!!!

Sigh... Sometimes I don't know how I got myself into this mess.

Anyway, since I'm feeling so down right now...adding another few steps in Preston's confidence book for my personal reminder:

1. Be mindful.

2. Stop disempowering thoughts!

3. Replace them with empowering thoughts :)

4. Keep going until it becomes automatic.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I am starting to count the number of calories I eat each day, something I never did before haha. Really tired of people telling me I'm getting bigger. It's cos I'm HAPPY alright. I got more appetite to eat so I get bigger lah! Sheesh. Oh well I dunno how much counting my calorie intake will help really. Haha.

Only unhappy when I'm having pms... Still cry to sleep when I'm having pms. Hah.

And so... Spending my holidays at home... Shirokuma's Cafe is just so cute~~~~~~~

... I will watch my diet I will!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

So I randomly bought at a sale this book titled 365 Steps To Self-Confidence By David Lawrence Preston. I found out there's a free online PDF available. It's an interesting book so far and suppose to help me lead a happy and fulfilling life. Lol.

So step 30 is to complete a sentence which I shall do so like this:

If I had an excellent self-image and total confidence in my abilities, I would...QUIT MY JOB!

Step 31: Make step 30 a firm goal. So... My goal is to QUIT MY JOB! And I will commit myself unreservedly to working towards this goal.

Can you believe I've been trying to find a new job since last year and 2013 rolls around and still I haven't found a new job?? Sigh. I will have to start asking all my friends for lobangs. And Adam told me to write down the pros and cons of leaving my current job too. Gah. Oh boy do I love February ^_^

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Still reeling back from what a FANTASTIC year 2012 has been, especially the last 3 days of the year. Since June 2012, everything bad and everything great happen at the same time. There's still some problems I need to solve but so far, Alhamdulillah :) Both the positive and negative make us what we are today and I am very grateful.

And you know what? I know 2013 will be even better! I'm looking forward to it haha