Sunday, December 01, 2002

I got a dream during my afternoon nap just now. Wanna guess what it was? Haha! It's so funny!!! Wait till ya hear.

First I was at a camp. Then later after lights out, I escaped from camp just to go to...the war in neopia! There was this evil person (which was so cartoon), & I was spying on him. I found out one of his plans, & went back to camp. Then when I realise what was happening, I realised one of his plans is to mate us. (I probaby got this idea from Draco Sinister, ' "Both of us in one room, one bed...what are you trying to do? We’re not cocker spaniels, you know. You can’t just go around....mating us." ' ~ Draco to Slytherin ) So we were all given a partner to mate with. Guess who my partner was? Fairuz! Hahaha! Fairuz from know...the one in our year? Haha! So, anyway, we were given a room to 'mate' aka have sex in. I guess we were inexperienced in it, or we were delaying or something because all I remembered was us touching each other's noses. Then I woke up. Hahaha! That was the stupidest dream I have ever had!

And nO, I do NoT have a crush on Fairuz. It's probably just because she came over to my house on Friday, so I dreamt of her. Don't think dirty thoughts. And anyway, I have better gals to have a crush on.

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