Monday, December 02, 2002

I am so tired. I almost finish reading Draco Sinister. I actually cried at the part when I thought Harry died. You know the part when they were in the adamantine cell, Slytherin was advancing towards Draco & Draco took out his sword. Then Slytherin grabbed Harry & pushed his body through that sword? I was so surprised. I didn't want to believe Harry really died. I was like Woah! The way the author built the tension was great. She should actually publish the story into a book. I bet she would've earn a lot.

But there's still some stuff I do not understand. Like how I thought Draco had two Epylical charm. So now one is with Harry, but where's the other one? Hmm...maybe it'll be answered in the last chapter.

Damn. Have I mentioned that I hate my life? How could Harry not hate his? He mentioned something to Draco about how he never ever thought of wanting to die or kill himself, not even once. Argh! My life is sO obsessed with Harry Potter! I'll talk about something else now.

I love the Animorphs. Marco is so damn funny. I was reading one of the books in the MRT just now & I almost burst out laughing at his stupid jokes & sarcasm. I was smiling like crazy reading the book, & I wasn't worried then but now I'm afraid if the people in the MRT find me nuts. Sigh...the war against the yeerks is so serious, yet Marco can find humour in them. I never get tired of reading the books over & over again. What's more, the end of the Animorphs was quite surprising. I've never imagined the Andalites could be so arrogant.

Supposed to have training this Saturday. I'm NCO. Again. I didn't realise that this Saturday would be the day after Hari Raya. How could I be so absorbed in red cross that I don't realise Hari Raya?

' "I can imagine some pretty bad things." Draco accomplished a one-shouldered shrug. "Come on, I’ve seen Severus Snape’s pajamas. Nothing can terrify me."

Without thinking, she (Fleur) reached out and seized his wrist. "I’m serious."

"So am I." There was a feverish malicious amusement in his silver-black eyes as he looked at her. "Those pajamas, they had little hearts on them. It was horrible." ' ~ Draco Sinister

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