Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh ya and jw's bday is in April too...haha ok ok I will like April yea...
Happy Birthday Shamiah! April babies...
It's so wonderful to be able to live till 22 eh?

And hoho...I just love Dawud Wharnsby's voice! Nice nasheed...Listening to him when I'm very stressed out studying...
song titled What a Wonderful World by Dawud Wharnsby & Zain Bhikha...

Yeah it's so be so STRESSSED...really...what if I fail...why does James give us so much ACCA work that I'm running out of time to complete everything because my basics are not that strong...and I'm having difficulty going through the examiner's report...keep making stupid mistakes... But stress is good...that's what they say...bleagh...ok stop whining.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And I watched the whole series in the middle of the night with that music in the background...

Anyway, the video's titled Freedom Unplugged, a part of the series, The Arrivals...we people get distracted by the disinformation, propoganda & media mind control that we become satisfied with our man-made world of comfort, when in fact there is still so much more that we need to know.

And it's totally mind-blowing what we do not know. The part about Al-Aqsa Mosque is very sad. And about Rihanna? Madonna? Christina? Now everytime I see black & white checkered floor, my heart will jump.

That aside...I don't like April...met lotsa different people in revision classes...too bad it's my last year and I doubt I will keep in touch with them...

And then there are days, like today, when I just need to whine to someone, so I will just start a random conversation with anyone with the aim to whine but in the end I don't cos I would feel stupid if I whine cos "all this will pass" anyway...sigh...tomorrow...I'm studying with a guy...a guy I seldom talk to...& I'm nervous...where is a girl friend when I need one...actually I'm not nervous...I do not need a girl friend...I can study untill 5pm, and then my girl friend will join us...I shall endure the butterflies till then...haha how ridiculous...haa...


All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance
All our ignorance brings us nearer to death
But nearness to death no nearer to God
Where is the life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
~ T,S, Elliot

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A twelve-step program is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems.

1. We admitted we were powerless over the computer, and that our lives have become unmanageable.
Principles - Honesty and Acceptance

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Principle - Hope

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.
Principle - Faith

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Principles - Action and Courage

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Principle - Integrity

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Principle - Willingness

7. Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings.
Principle - Humility

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Principle - Brotherly love

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
Principle - Justice

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
Principle - Perseverance

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of Gods will for us and the power to carry that out.
Principle - Spirituality

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we carried this message to others who go online excessively and practiced these principles in all our affairs.
Principle - Service

I am addicted to the mouse. There, I have stated my stupid addiction! Once my hand touches it, I can't remove my hand for a long time. Nobody knows cos I always put myself as appear offline on msn...sigh...I don't even do anything useful online & this addiction is taking too much time especially since I need to discipline myself to study for the last leg of the race before I graduate. How can I be in school right now & still be on the computer slacking?? Get off, girl.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh my gosh, I LOVE flowers! The flowers I received for my birthday is still on the table & it's blooming beautifully...

And of course I love all my presents.

I don't have many friends but I love those friends that I have.

Love love love...what is love?

Wah I'm going out today & tomorrow! Damn birthday...I'm going to regret not spending my time studying...I have to manage my time!

Monday, February 09, 2009

" not always feel unfair and moody, you are who you are, and you must know that you are a blessed one" ~my birthday card

I got moody meh? Haha the words of a close friend...ok ok I'll try to be less moody alright...and yes I know I am very blessed...

Must thank SIM for letting me spend the day trying in vain to chose my eRev on the online system that's falling apart.

Anyway, thanks for the wishes everyone...and happy birthday to my one-year old baby cousin!

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music, feel the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

~Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat,
the fairy tale song in my head right now

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gah I don't like to blog, but I guess I'm so bored of finding the values of tangible assets, that blogging seems to be a lot more fun. Bleagh.

Anyway, I went to Johor last Saturday...went to a relatives' house who bought a bungalow there, somewhere near Austin Heights. The owners are Singaporeans working in Singapore, they just go back and forth from Singapore to Johor every week. The house is big. Why do they want to have a house there? To enjoy the Jusco shopping mall? Ah well.

Oh, then after that we decided to stay at this hotel which I forgot the name of. That hotel is gigantic too, can fit like, 10 king-sized beds in one room. Really. It only has 3 stories, but it has one very looong hallway.

I went swimming at the pool too. Gosh I love my baby cousins. The younger ones tend to not like swimming. Tried to persuade them to enter the water but they are too afraid.

I gave one of them the blue floating styrofoam to swim with, but he didn't move from the edge of the pool. He just took it, put his goggles on top of it, then push it back and forth, pretending it's a boat. He seems to enjoy it though.

Oh and you know how crazy the fireworks can get in Malaysia. I went out of my room at 12am and I was terrified of the sound of 'bombs' that echo down the long and dark hallway. Haa. It was pretty though. Look out the window and, with the golf course in the foreground, in the background we can see fireworks sprouting out from seven different places in Johor. And since my aunt stayed at the opposite end of the hotel, I ran across the hall from my room to hers, and saw even more fireworks.

Guess that's what jw and kim experience when they go back to Malaysia for cny eh.


Anyway I keep wanting to post this but never did:
Talking Cock's Wu Liao Video of the Week.
To send an error report...or not to send an error report

Right. Now I have to go back to studying. I got to complete at least 6 more questions before I sleep tonight. Die die I cannot graduate with a Third Class. Mock Exams in 4 weeks time. Sigh. Good times never last. Then again, neither do the bad times. Still waiting for the recession to end.

Oh and Happy New Year. Happy...right...happy indeed.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

'Thank God they allowed me to see her where she lay...and they showed her to me,' he [Lo Hwei Yen's husband] said. 'She still looked very beautiful.'

I sure hope he gets through this's still in the papers...I seriously thought terrorists attacks like the Mumbai attacks only happen in anime like Gundam or Code Geass which I really enjoy and laugh at the scenes with lotsa bloodshed, but looking at it happening in real life to a Singaporean is really heart-wrenching. It's like my favourite anime character dieing and I would cry when I watch it except that this is reaL. What's wrong with those terrorists?? Islam condemns this kind of senseless killings, but why do they continue with it with the full notion of knowing they wouuld get caught? There has to be a better way to spend our lives than training terrorists right? Will there be a day when these terrible things only happen in anime and never in real life?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Fingers got itchy again so I created another blogskin...the things I do when I'm suppose to be doing my assignment.

Hehe anyway, last month was good...hari raya is the same old...the better parts are meeting up a couple of times with some friends...I love meeting up with doesn't matter where we are (it doesn't cos I forgot the name of the place where we ate lunch eheheh), as long as we are with good company.

And that is my summary for last month. Haha ok I'm terrible at blogging...

Now I need to finish up on my FR assignment...and they are starting to sell Christmas decorations...and this will be the last year when I will suffer through Christmas...James will sure give us lotsa work...but Christmas next year I won't need to suffer anymore yeah! Just real work to look forward fun! Ok I can stop babbling now...


You simple-minded fool. Are you, by any chance, still evolving? ~ Franziska von Karma in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sham, I think you're the only one who still visits my blog lah...I spend more time making blogskins instead of actually blogging...not that I make lotsa blogskins...haa...

So what have I been up to?? Nothing much actually...just ran away from home like two months ago...cos of this hollering from my sis:

"You are so STUPID AND USELESS. Always using the computer and doing nothing. I want to use the computer ok. Why must you disturb me? You think you're so smart ah? Go to your room lah. Go lock yourself in your room. I don't want to see your face."

And she kept repeating the "Go lock yourself in your room." And I screamed at her that I wanted to do that, except that she was standing right there in front of my door, blocking it so I can't close it to do as she politely requested, so we just screamed at each other in front of my room door.

And when she finally let me slam the door, I grabbed a few clothes from my cupboard, throw them in my bag and stomp out of the house...went over to my aunt's place...

Meaning I ran away lah...gone for over a month...heh...although I seldom use the computer there, but I did enjoy my time there. Cos my aunt has 4 kids, the oldest is only 6 yrs old, and gosh I love those kids...

I don't know how children can bring so much joy to life with just their cute faces...always asking about me, opening my room door in the morning to wake me up, running to the door when I reach home from school, always disturbing me and asking me to feed them when I need to eat my lunch or's so much more different than being at home...At home I feel unwanted, over there, I'm always being asked for attention...

Hee...the third brother...he is the fatest one...he calls me Kak Iya cos he still can't speak properly...he is also very irritating, always following his siblings around and disturbing them. And when irritated, his siblings would just scream at him.

But got once I was quite surprised...once after a screaming session, the big brother just said, "Taqif cute ah. Huuuug." And they sat there and hugged for a long time. It's a really cute scene but seriously...What's up with that?? I'm amazed at how forgiving his brother is. I would never hug my sister suddenly after an argument...would I do that 15 years back?

Sigh...and now I'm back at my own house for Hari Raya, I made up with my sister and all...but how I wish I can be a kid again...sigh...

Well I better switch off my computer now...I just spent a long time watching Nodame Cantabile...and I enjoyed the last episode hehe...the drama is quite good if you skip all the boring parts...gosh the yaoi parts were really irritating...anyway I was quite surprised when Chiaki hugged Noda in that scene by the river...sweet love...and now I'm not sure which drama to watch next...hee...and fall season anime coming up...

Saturday, August 09, 2008 with my brother-in-law staying at our place is nice, but hasn't always been pleasant. I can't wait for them to get a new house. That's very bad of me, I know.

Other than that, I've ended my job and now I'm gonna help my uncle out with his finance in his company...unless they change their mind and decide they don't need my help anymore...It's my aunt who asked me for help cos she felt she had been neglecting her children cos of the company...

Sigh...I kinda miss my colleagues. They are nice people but the job itself can be too much sometimes. Oh and there's this person in my workplace who is very fatherly and very nice to talk to. He's one of the head in the engineering side. When he wants to scold us cos we keep disturbing him regarding our work, he'll scold in such a delicate way that I just had to smile among my feelings of guilt. Hehe...he always answers and explains everything to us in detail and in a very calm manner...I'm not sure how to explain it but I will definitely miss him cos he's different...he just has this charisma which is admirable...

Hmm...and other than that I had challets in the previous two weeks which I didn't write about here although I had a great time there :) Cycling, watching dvds, hanging out with old friends at the beach...

Oh ya I had been wondering silly things...when Muslims pray they have to face the Kaa'bah, no matter which part of the world they are if there are Muslims on the Firefly (a kinda spaceship), which direction do they face when they want to do their prayers? Same goes for coordinators in Gundam Seed who live in space colonies which orbit Earth...which direction do they face? Haha...I was wondering this during my religious class...I'm so crappy sometimes...

Well...gah...I still feel I'm wasting my life away cos I don't know what exactly I want. Life is great, sure, but what about my future...there are many things which I keep avoiding but I know I have to face them eventually, since I'm graduating next year...time flies...

On a happy note, it's National Day! I watched a bit of the preview last week on the Singapore Flyer (oh the ride is quite nice but my grandma said that it was really nothing much...I think it would be much cooler when the IRs are up..) Anyway, Happy Birthday Singapore! How old are you again? I'm loosing track of the years hehex

Monday, May 19, 2008

MY HANDPHONE GOT STOLEN and it's not not my friend's fault and I will not not blame her cos it's not not her fault. It's not fair la. How many times have I said that over the past few weeks?

It's not fair that Myanmar and China had to suffer such terrible disasters. It's not fair that my friends have to lose their parents, when their parents haven't seen them on their wedding day. It's not fair that my friend has a boyfriend whom she keeps bringing with her to our study session so they can touch each other, while I sit there not feeling jealous. It's not fair that my exams are the last to end among my friends. It's not fair that my handphone have to get stolen!

We live in Singapore lei, are you that deprived till you have to steal things and hurt others? I went through that rebellious stage of stealing and I used to just say it's the survival of the fittest, but I don't do that anymore cos I know this word called empathy. Work hard for what you want la, why must resort to stealing? I hate this kind of people!

Argh...ok what happened was I was buying food from s11 and my friend was sitting like 2 tables away with our things and usually she waits for me to get back before she goes to buy, but that day she said she was very hungry so she left, thinking that I would be back in less than two seconds but I wasn't cos I was adding sambal to my food and all that. Well, I turned around looking for my friend but she wasn't there and I automatically thought that I was the blur one who forgot which seat we were sitting at. In hindsight after looking at the cctv, if I had just turned to my left at that exacT moment, I would have seen a guy walking off with our bags! But I wasn't looking for my bag what...I was looking for my friend's face...haiz...then we asked around and ran around the place looking for that idiot till we were huffing and puffing.

Then a lady came and said to check the cctv so we checked the cctv and I realised it was some malay guy loitering around who stole our stuff...or is it an indonesian...the cctv was not clear la.

We made a report to the police and all, since my friend also lost her stuff, including her handphone and mp3, thus she's in a worst state than I'm in...hai...I really wish that thief gets striked down by lightning while crossing the road and gets knocked down by a car and then gets striked by lightning agaiN, until he writhers up and dies and rots up in hell.

And while he rots, I have to start collecting my friend's contact numbers. Wonderful. As if I'm not stressed enough. And my friend saw me on that same day while I wanted to get my new sim card, and my face was so black at that time, I felt so silly for bumping into him. Haiz...I can't believe I still have to study after all this...

Ok girl, now move on or die for your exams.


Life is unfair. That's the most idiotic sentence in the English Language.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My wisdom teeth surgery! You know, when they first pushed my bed down the corridor towards the surgery room, it was like a roller coaster ride, but its the part at the peak of the track, the dread just before the sudden fall...haha.

And after the surgery when I woke up from the General Anaesthasia, I started crying and crying and crying...I can't help it...I kept asking myself...where are all the handsome doctors just before I fell asleep?? Sigh...The nurses were all asking me why was I crying...How in the world do they expect me to answer with my swollen mouth?? Then they pushed me back to the waiting room where my mum was waiting for me and I felt so silly for crying...I can't exactly talk to her anyway, so I cried to sleep...

Four hours later, I still felt nauseous and had a terrible headache. There's this nurse which kept saying I shouldn't lie on the bed for so long, and kept pushing the top of the bed higher and higher so that I'm in a sitting position. Tsk...I wanted to throw the pillow at her man. But there's a nicer nurse too, who gave me ice-cream! So I was quite satisfied.

When I finally had the energy to go home, my dearest dad picked me up in the car, and I acted all happy, made lame jokes and conversation all the way home (in a funny voice cos I can't open my mouth fully), like how I was giggling just before the doctor injected me to sleep, and the doctor was surprised and said, "People are scared but you are laughing!" Actually I was scared lah, that's why I was giggling! Hah.

And when I reached home, I think the excitement took too much from me, cos I collapse on the sofa out of sheer exhaustion, and my headache came back, and then I started vomiting.....hip hip need to study for one week...not.

Ah my first surgery...not much, but it's still an experience. Did I mention that I love painkillers? If only we can eat more of it at one go...haix...Oh well at least I'm still alive...Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What do I expect after the wisdom tooth surgery?
There will be pain and swelling in that side of the cheek which may sometimes be accompanied by a "blue-black" in the facial skin. You may not be able to open your mouth wide. All these would normally subside in five to seven days after the operation.

The following is a list of known risks and and complications associated specifically with impacted, wisdom teeth surgery:
7. Presence of foreign body in surgical site eg broken instrument.

The common but transient side-efects that may occur as a result of the anaesthesia are:
3. Inability to pass urine.

Alright! Pray for my wisdom teeth to be removed smoothly tomorrow. I still need to study but I really don't look forward to studying in the next five to seven days. Ah's just a minor surgery so I should be thankful it's minor.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yeah, another self-made blogskin! It took me another year cos I seldom go Photoshop...And it's a bit too elaborate but I don't care fire everywhere lalala hahaha...

Anyway, it's an improvement from my previous one, which I used Paint hah. Cheers to Photoshop! (Just why must it be so expensive??) And cheers to my friend who bought me the manga for my birthday, which I eventually used to scan in the picture and to design my blog. And cheers to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle!

And since I'm not in the mood to blog, back to my studies!

Monday, March 24, 2008

I am currently making a new blogskin and it can really give me a headache...hah the things I do when my exams are near...I've really been wasting my time la...buying the rubrics cube and all...oh and I am proud to say that I have conQuered the rubrics cube!!! Well the 3 by 3 by 3 one anyway...

And so...we have mock exams before our real exams right...and I manage to pass my mock exam paper (while some people fail) but so what? It's not the real thing...and that is one of the things that presses the button for people to say, wah you are so hardworking...And again, people still expect me to graduate with First Class Honors? Please la. I'm not hardworking. I study cos I regret coming to this school and don't want to waste my three years. Ok I don't regret, I love my life right now. Met lotsa interesting people and all...but then even if we graduate with a First Class Honors, real working life is still not going to be easy. Haix...funny how fast time flies and soon I'm going to be a full-time working adult.

Anyway, I had a nice birthday this year. Went out with a few of my closest friends who give such nice and interesting presents. I love the zoo hehe. Even got a flower for Valentine's Day from my girlfriends. And my baby cousin wasn't born on the 9th but on the 8th of February instead. Hehe. He's so cute!

Ok I gotto go off for tuition now...

Oh ya I wanted to say something lame...the other day I was online in the morning and I couldn't decide whether I should switch on 987fm to listen to the deejays and so I ask myself out loud, "Hmmm should I listen to Dean & Sam?" and I was like, What??? It's Dan & Young, not Dean & Sam! I was too obsessed with the Supernatural series. Obviously, I was surfing for Supernatural sites at that time. Hehe.

And the Bleach manga is getting exciting again! Many fighting scenes coming up...I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. Ok ok I'm gonna be late for tuition...

Friday, February 01, 2008

My aunt's having a baby soon and he's due on 11th Feb, but I'm wishing she'd give birth on the 9th Feb instead...haha wouldn't that be fun! I would really love my baby cousin cos then I'd be exactly 21 years older than him hehe. But but but I want to remain 20 forever! Haha...and Valentine's Day is coming too, not that it matters but I want to receive a real life flower please. Hmmm...Maybe I'd just buy one and give it to myself ahahah...

Ok I got to study! My first paper is on 26th Feb!


"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.
When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I had a bad dream. I dreamt that I died. I had a bad dream at 2am and now I'm too afraid to go back to sleep. And here I am online instead of doing some prayers to help me calm down. And worse I don't feel like talking about this dream so I don't want to talk to anyone at all right now. I hate myself. I think I know why I had that dream. But I still don't want to go back to sleep. Sigh.

What to blog about...Went fishing with my sister and her fiance's family at Punggol the other day. I love fishing...

Three of the Angling Club guys went Kelong again. I'm jealous.

Denzil has an msn display picture of himself holding a 1-metre-long Mekong Cat Fish which he caught in Thailand. I envy him.

Then the other day jw, sham, eunice and I went Labrador Park to enjoy nature. (Saw Kaijing who was coming back from sotonging at 11am and felt like fishing again.....but I didn't go there to fish. Sigh.) I love the clean blue waters at Labrador Park...and I love meeting up with my secondary school friends...we talked about going to Corsica next year! Hahaha...I must work hard and save enough money! If I manage to save enough then I'm definitely going! Hehehe...

And then I also went rock climbing with my cousins. I really love rock climbing...that great sense of achievement when I reach the top...I miss it...And the aching muscles when I wake up the next day...I miss that too...Haha...

And that stupid crush is still in my head. I don't like having crushes. If there's a Malay version of him I'd take him. No, cannot. I don't want to chase guys.

Haa...holidays till Wednesday...but must still study...sigh...and I'm still being my lazy self lah. I've wasted 4 think my new years resolution is to stop procrastinating on my work and also on my daily chores. Did I make this resolution last year? :P

And now I shall go clean up my room...I really don't want to sleep.

Oh and have a Happy Chocolaty 2008 everyone :)


Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces ~Judith Viorst

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Three days two nights out at the kelong near Sibu Malaysia...I must blog about it! Though there's a lot of things I should have blogged about but never bothered to. Haha. Man the sea is GreaT!

I just joined Angling Club and I'm really enjoying the people and the activities. I love the excitement of catching fishes! I love the people there. There's just too many things to talk about! And the feeling of using my first rod to catch fishes is great...I think I brought home around 5kg of fish haha...ahahah maybe not that much la. I love my Cherrywood rod and my Mitchell reel! Though I probably need to get other rods for bigger fishes. That second-hand orange reel line I got is very light and very bright orange hehe...I love to cast it and see it fly in the wind.

I tried to catch a todak but caught nothing instead...well bad luck I guess. I tried my sotong lure too but I didnt catch any sotong either. And I tried to catch a big seklar (sp?) with Humphrey's rod but I didn't catch one either. Gosh...why all the times I try to catch a fish different from the normal fishes, I fail one...haha. My friend caught many big seklar and she sold them haha. Though she sold them cheap it's still money right. I must try harder to get bigger fishes haha!

It's amazing, three days two nights of continuous fishing. I'm surprised my friend can tahan very long cos I took many breaks in between. Ooh and the freshly sliced seklar with wasabi is damn nice. Three days two nights and 9 meals...great food too hehe.

And I love the second night when my astronomer friend showed us all the stars in the beautiful sky which we can't see at home. I found the switch which switches off the stray lights, and then my friend took out this very strong laser which can point to the stars and it's very cool la. And I learned a lot about the sky too. I saw the tiny red planet Mars, and I saw the orion's belt and found his sword, and also saw the seven sisters, and saw gemini, and saw sirius and canapos and can also roughly make out the milky's just beautiful. My friends saw a shooting star but I missed it. Shooting stars are too fast for me...sigh. Wishing I can see it one day...hehe.

Let's see what else. I met Desmond the todak master and he's one of those hardcore fishermen heh...go kelong almost every weekend. It's very good if you're rich la. My friend say I can meet many kinds of people through fishing, even rich people and people doing business and with many lobang...well I met one who lives near rich can you be ah living there. Haha. He's a very nice guy though, helps out us newbies a lot, though he's not from my school. He helped me unhook the fish when I catch one. Haha.

It's funny I still scream like a girl when the fish suddenly jump at me. I seriously have to control my screaming. The people there are nice though. When my hook gets sangkut they would help me out although I don't know them. Oh and Humphrey is great la. Ask him for pliers and he walk around the kelong looking for it...and found his rod instead and just stood at the side and start fishing. And I was blur just looking at him cos he didn't give me any pliers. In the end he gave me some elses la. But where was his pliers ah...inside his box! Hah. Well I should get my own pliers soon. Hehe

I like being with nice people. There's one who sit there and watch his mp3 almost the whole trip...nice because he barbeques for us. He also helped us unhook the fishes and also put the bait...makes fishing easier, then I don't have to keep pausiing to put baits...

Haha the president of the club is so cute ok...little boy cute. And quite blur too...cannot ask him anything one, must ask Humphrey cos he knows more...funny ah...I love his cuteness haha...well for the whole trip must thank Humphrey for it...the organiser of the trip is very stress I can see that. Hah and I feel so stupid for leaving my white card in the van when at the customs cos he has to run back to get it for me...haiz...

Oh and Desmond's young nephew is very cute! He is so knowledgeable...and proud too. He loves to tell us everything he knows and give us advice hehe. He wears a life jacket the whole time he's there cos I think he can't swim...haha and I told my friend I wouldn't mind getting a fisherman husband and go kelong like every month just to fish! There's no cute fisherman though which is quite sad. Then my friend told me there's that cute Desmond's nephew and we can wait for him to grow up and maybe marry him hahaha...funny joke...

Anyway I still love the kelong life. Hahaha...on the trip I couldn't really sleep on the first night cos the waves were very noisy but I was too tired on the second night to care. Oh I really love the kelong trip cos it's different from other trips. I wake up in the morning and straight away think of fishing (even this morning when I'm already off the kelong). Before I sleep at night I also think of fishing. That's why I sleep very little there. There's a lot of things to do, which is fishing...haha I want to go there again! But after my exams or something...I didn't feel like coming back to singapore and continue going to school haha. I love the kelong life...


"You really look like your father...except for your eyes. You have Lily's eyes..."

Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm at work now and I have nothing to do...Harry Potter the movie is great...especially the battle at the end. And I love the thestrals, those reptilian invisible creatures that only Harry and Luna can see. Luna is interesting. And Sirius dying by the Avada Kedabra is much better than him dying by stupidly falling into the veil. Daniel Radcliffe is too old. Emma Watson is pretty but she can't act, and I actually like Ron but I don't like Rupert. Ooh I think the twins are much better actors. The scene of them fleeing from school is interesting but does not do them justice. And I definitely like Draco Malfoy haha because of the Draco Trilogy. Haha why am I talking about who I like...

Oh and Eun and Sham suspects that the person who was forgotten in the first original script in the movie but forced to brought back by Rowling is...Kreacher haha...But.....Kreacher somehow reminds me of Gollum...would Kreacher's part be similar to that of Gollum's near the end? Ahaha erm...I like Dobby >.<

I can't wait for Saturday! I keep thinking Snape probably want to give Harry his potions book, because he probably knew that Harry has the book ever since he saw Harry used Sectumsempra. And in the seventh book, Snape is going to help out Harry, but Harry is not going to appreciate it duh. And is RGB actually Regulus Black, Sirius's brother? Probably ah I want to know! Maybe it's another lame person like the HBP turn out to be. Before the book came out, who'd have thought Prince is the last name of a person? And I hope Ron would sacrifice himself for Harry haha cos I like sacrifices of best friends...been reading a lot of anime fanfiction.

Haa...okay I think my temp colleage beside me is bored now. Can you believe it's two people to one computer here at work...sheesh...

Friday, July 06, 2007

When things go wrong
As they sometimes will
When all the road seems all uphill
When I feel like lying down to cry
I look again and then I sigh
The worst is not happening to me
Its happening to others that I cant see
And when I open up my eyes
I cry not for me but the passers bys
My acquaintances and friends
They’re hurt much more
The fun I enjoy
That others cant toy
Hate I cannot
Love I must
This life that I have
That Allah has blessed
