So I randomly bought at a sale this book titled 365 Steps To Self-Confidence By David Lawrence Preston. I found out there's a free online PDF available. It's an interesting book so far and suppose to help me lead a happy and fulfilling life. Lol.
So step 30 is to complete a sentence which I shall do so like this:
If I had an excellent self-image and total confidence in my abilities, I would...QUIT MY JOB!
Step 31:
Make step 30 a firm goal. So... My goal is to QUIT MY JOB! And I will commit myself unreservedly to working towards this goal.
Can you believe I've been trying to find a new job since last year and 2013 rolls around and still I haven't found a new job?? Sigh. I will have to start asking all my friends for lobangs. And Adam told me to write down the pros and cons of leaving my current job too. Gah. Oh boy do I love February ^_^