Last night, I saw a mother repeatedly hitting her crying child saying, 'Shut up. Quiet. I don't want to hear a sound.' Add lotsa exclamation marks. I feel awful seeing that. What is this thing called 'stress' that makes a person turn from a sweet, good-natured & smiling person to become a monster.
Ya whatever. She will probably hug her by the end of the day to say I love you.
But pms makes me see that shouting image of her mother & only that image. And what my mum said was, Life is like that. Argh! I hate life.
I need to put better images in my head. Like, what a great February I had this year. Great presents, great flowers, great friends, great family, went chalet, went to Universal Studios, went to the zoo to see Lucy again.
Wonderful. Kyubei, come take me away.

Okay girl, get over it. It's only 10am. Stop hating. New day, new beginning. I think, speak & act positively. Smile for no reason.