Saturday, April 26, 2008

My wisdom teeth surgery! You know, when they first pushed my bed down the corridor towards the surgery room, it was like a roller coaster ride, but its the part at the peak of the track, the dread just before the sudden fall...haha.

And after the surgery when I woke up from the General Anaesthasia, I started crying and crying and crying...I can't help it...I kept asking myself...where are all the handsome doctors just before I fell asleep?? Sigh...The nurses were all asking me why was I crying...How in the world do they expect me to answer with my swollen mouth?? Then they pushed me back to the waiting room where my mum was waiting for me and I felt so silly for crying...I can't exactly talk to her anyway, so I cried to sleep...

Four hours later, I still felt nauseous and had a terrible headache. There's this nurse which kept saying I shouldn't lie on the bed for so long, and kept pushing the top of the bed higher and higher so that I'm in a sitting position. Tsk...I wanted to throw the pillow at her man. But there's a nicer nurse too, who gave me ice-cream! So I was quite satisfied.

When I finally had the energy to go home, my dearest dad picked me up in the car, and I acted all happy, made lame jokes and conversation all the way home (in a funny voice cos I can't open my mouth fully), like how I was giggling just before the doctor injected me to sleep, and the doctor was surprised and said, "People are scared but you are laughing!" Actually I was scared lah, that's why I was giggling! Hah.

And when I reached home, I think the excitement took too much from me, cos I collapse on the sofa out of sheer exhaustion, and my headache came back, and then I started vomiting.....hip hip need to study for one week...not.

Ah my first surgery...not much, but it's still an experience. Did I mention that I love painkillers? If only we can eat more of it at one go...haix...Oh well at least I'm still alive...Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What do I expect after the wisdom tooth surgery?
There will be pain and swelling in that side of the cheek which may sometimes be accompanied by a "blue-black" in the facial skin. You may not be able to open your mouth wide. All these would normally subside in five to seven days after the operation.

The following is a list of known risks and and complications associated specifically with impacted, wisdom teeth surgery:
7. Presence of foreign body in surgical site eg broken instrument.

The common but transient side-efects that may occur as a result of the anaesthesia are:
3. Inability to pass urine.

Alright! Pray for my wisdom teeth to be removed smoothly tomorrow. I still need to study but I really don't look forward to studying in the next five to seven days. Ah's just a minor surgery so I should be thankful it's minor.