Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yeah! Exams over on Thurs! Time to get a job soon...Ven asked me to teach at certain schools with her since we live so near each other...she's an interesting person you know...I've never really talked to her but since the first day of exam (090507), I wasn't sure how to get to expo, so we met at the bus stop to go together and we've been meeting at the bus stop ever since...and in only like 3 days I feel like I know a loT about her. She's a very sincere friend, and even told me that I have to be more sincere as a friend too, by dropping all barriers and just being myself...but how to do that...after that mlm incident...actually I did learn a lot from nti...but in the end, after struggling for so long, I decided to quit you know how much I feel like a failure after that...But that's a whole different story which hurts to tell...And anyway, secondly, I've never had a proper job before, just because I was stopped by that mlm...and then there's Mr Zen...he keeps appearing in my dreams and I can only wonder why...sigh...

You know, I somehow dread the holidays...haa...and during the hols, i feel i should get rushi's notes to start studying for next...yeah haha let's hope i can walk the walk...gah...

And Sham is at San Francisco! The furthest I'd go this holidays is malaysia haha...Perhaps with sy and the others yeah yeah yeah...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

:) Yifang probably don't remember, but she did sent me that picture of Daisuke up there and I made it into a skin yeah! I took a whole year to make this skin and I only completed it because I didn't feel like studying.

What else do I do when I don't feel like studying? Oh I go around and look for spiderman comic books in the library and I have to admit spiderman is my favourite cartoon superhero. I really love his funny remarks during his battles...they are just so very lovable. And I just love his spider sense... Why they didn't they show any of his spider sense in the third movie?? Oh but the third spidey movie is still great anyway hehe...Next up is the Pirates movie yeah!

Ok let's try posting a youtube video hmmm... Ok I got it..."This song is based on a true story from the Hadith. The singer/talker in the story is an old lady talking to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), but she does not know that he is the prophet. When she learns, she embraces Islam."

Lyrics can be found here:

I just love Dawud Warnsby Ali's voice, so I thought I'd share...And this song keeps playing in my head while I'm doing my final exams.....I love Rasulallah s.a.w..